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TES7 Session 292 October 10, 1966 50/126 (40%) cap beer Friday tipping trio
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 292 October 10, 1966 9 PM Monday

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


(Jane had some images and these will be mentioned in place. This is a case where Jane had seen one of the two items making up the envelope objects very recently—the beer can cap, on Friday, October 7, three days ago. [...] I might add that Jane saw the beer can cap only in a casual way. [...] When I picked up a cap to blacken in the flame I thought this would focus Jane’s conscious attention on this particular one, but she told me at break tonight that she hadn’t noticed my heating the cap, or else had forgotten it.


(Jane read aloud to the gathering an article in the November 1966 Fate Magazine titled Table Up! [...] This is often the case, the often innocuous envelope object reflecting whatever strong emotional charges surround it at the physical time Jane and Seth are trying to get back to.


[...] Jane and Marilyn were also very surprised, and Jane later told me that after the first shock of seeing the north end of the table rise, seemingly of its own volition, she thought Bill, Don and I actually succeeded in accomplishing this.


[...] Jane and I were closest at 37 and 47. [...] There is a 10 difference between the two numbers, and also between the ages of Jane and me.


[...] Jane said this was a reference to the position of the cap-ring against my note, while the two items were sealed between the two Bristol stiffeners and in the double envelopes. [...] It will be remembered that by this time Jane held the envelope in her lap; earlier she had held it against her forehead as she often does. [...]


(Jane said at break that she had had an image of the initials RFB, and she wished mightily now that she had said so. [...] Jane said she didn’t speak the initials aloud because she thought they might refer to my father, and that this was a distortion. [...]


[...] When a fourth member was added to the last table tipping of the evening, featuring Jane, Bill, Don and myself, the wicker armchair was pressed into use since it was the only one available except for a Kennedy rocker. Neither Jane or I recall who sat in the armchair.


[...] Also between Jane and me after company left, when I told Jane we had assisted nature during the early attempts. [...]


[...] We checked Jane’s memory on the rest of her wardrobe Friday evening. [...] Jane had planned to wear this sweater Friday evening, and had already applied blue eye shadow to match.


(Jane is not sure, but she believes Marilyn could have worn a blue Poorboy sweater Friday evening, one of very dark blue. Jane knows Marilyn owns such a garment.

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