1 result for (book:tes7 AND session:285 AND stemmed:rememb)
[... 26 paragraphs ...]
The ego can exist only within the context of these root assumptions. The primary dream experience is finally woven into a structure composed of these root assumptions, and it is these that you remember. These serve you as basic information, but the information is then put into symbolic form. Objects, you see, are symbols. These objects in dreams are symbols of realities that the ego could not otherwise perceive.
[... 33 paragraphs ...]
(Break at 10:18. Jane was again well dissociated, as she had been all evening, she said. Her voice was not as loud this time but her delivery had been fast, as though she wanted to give the data without thinking about it. She reported no images that she remembered. Her eyes had remained closed.
[... 38 paragraphs ...]
(As stated, neither of us has met Dr. Lodico, and up to and including the time of this session did not know where he lived, although we had his address. All evening however, since writing the letter used as object, I had pictured a certain medical building in our neighborhood as probably the site of Dr. Lodico’s office. The building has a flat roof, is one story high, is of red (orange?) wood that looks lighter in sunlight, and has a series of shingles or name plates hanging outside that might be called banners. I also thought I remembered cast iron grill or scroll works as decoration on the building.
[... 24 paragraphs ...]
(After the session Jane said she should have caught this connection, since she was brought up a Catholic and is quite familiar with the chant, mass, etc. This music is among her favorites. Remember that I mentioned Mount Savior specifically in the letter used as object. The lace data might also fall into this category.)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]