1 result for (book:tes7 AND session:285 AND stemmed:our)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(The object for the 70th envelope experiment was the first draft of a letter I wrote tonight, to a local dentist. It concerned the recent sale of a painting to him, made through our friend, Marie Colucci. Details later. Jane had not seen this draft, or even the final copy of the letter, although she knew I was writing it this evening. I sealed it in an envelope when finished; then showed this to Jane and asked her to mail it tomorrow morning. I briefly and roughly described the contents, however.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Jane began speaking while seated. Her eyes were closed, her pace good. Her voice was distinctly heavier and louder than usual. It easily rose above the considerable traffic noise coming through our open living room window.)
[... 29 paragraphs ...]
(Her eyes still closed, Jane took the envelope from me for our 70th experiment, and held it up to her forehead with her right hand. It was 10:01. Her pace was good, and grew faster as the experiment progressed.)
[... 27 paragraphs ...]
(See the copy of the first draft of my letter on page 31. A brief history: Last month our friend Marie Colucci let a local dentist, Dr. Lodico, whom Jane and I have not met, borrow an abstract painting of mine to try out in his office. A couple of weeks ago, on August 31, Dr. Lodico sent payment for the painting, with a request to see more abstracts for his office. Tonight’s object is a first draft of my reply to his letter, and is dated September 12.
(Seth helps out with a few connections after break, but in the meantime Jane and I had made our own. We checked up on one we thought correct after the session, and instead of verifying the data ended up confused, as will be explained.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
(“Familiar.” Jane was vexed at herself here, for she realized now that when giving the familiar data, she was going to say something about a familiar location, meaning the location of our apartment as something familiar to us. Our address is on the letter used as object.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(“A group of people, and connection with a boat perhaps, or water.” The boat and water part of this data refers to our Water Street address on the letter used as object; on past occasions Seth has expressed an interpretation of the Water Street address in this way.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
(“Two men and a woman. She wears a hat.” We thought of various combinations here, among them Marie Colucci, Dr. Lodico and myself, since we are closely involved with the object. We didn’t know whether Marie wears a hat, though. Seth verifies our interpretation, even though we couldn’t be sure.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(As stated, neither of us has met Dr. Lodico, and up to and including the time of this session did not know where he lived, although we had his address. All evening however, since writing the letter used as object, I had pictured a certain medical building in our neighborhood as probably the site of Dr. Lodico’s office. The building has a flat roof, is one story high, is of red (orange?) wood that looks lighter in sunlight, and has a series of shingles or name plates hanging outside that might be called banners. I also thought I remembered cast iron grill or scroll works as decoration on the building.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
We will shortly close our session.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Is our interpretation of that building data correct?
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(See pages 39 and 40, explaining our confusion over this data. Seth’s answer, above, contributed to the confusion, and is in error. The next session has by now been held. It concerns a discussion by Seth of the envelope experiments. He discusses this particular building data and the inaccurate answer in a most interesting manner. He also confirms our idea that Jane picked up the building data from me telepathically.)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Now. I am able as usual to carry on for some time. Out of the goodness of my heart, I will however close our session. I would of course stay at your request. My heartiest wishes to you both.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]