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TES7 Session 283 September 5, 1966 5/106 (5%) Barbara Goose postcard va card
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 283 September 5, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

Identity is no longer limited to the outer ego alone. The outer ego is now familiar with the whole self, or the entire identity, and has available to it strength of which it was not previously aware. In periods of exuberance, when you are working well, and your health is extraordinarily good, when you are able to remember and manipulate your dreams, then such periods are signs of the emergence of this new consciousness.

In the beginning you will not retain it steadily. It will grow by leaps and bounds however. It’s growth has nothing to do with your physical time, but with inner value fulfillments of which you may not be consciously aware. This last is important. Contrary to usual opinion, periods of poor health are often the result of egotistic rather than subconscious manipulations. (Long pause.) You become overconcerned with the egotistical situations, and hamper the inner self.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

When these symptoms show themselves, then he should look out for health difficulties. There is nothing seriously wrong with his system, nor do I foresee any serious difficulties. However he has his own pattern. The symptoms are these: Poor memory, or none, of his dreams; no poetry; a consistent lower-than-usual level of exuberance. These are the main ones, and I am speaking of perhaps a two-month period here.

If these persist for this period, you see, only then can they be considered in this light. For if they endure for this time they will almost certainly give rise to physical symptoms. Readjustment does not lie, in his particular case, in the present, with soaking his foot for example; but with a return to some definite poetry schedule, to finishing one book now at a time, to renewing the dream suggestions which he has discarded. These will take care of the physical symptoms.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

It was aware, and conscious. However it was simply frightened to find what seemed like the body in a position normally impossible for it. The next time it will go further. In the same way however you will both find the inner ego inserting itself into periods of waking consciousness, and there may or may not be a momentary disorientation.

[... 70 paragraphs ...]

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