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TES7 February 2, 1967 Dream: Third Sequence 4/8 (50%) Untermeyer girl poetry brown til
– The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
– © 2014 Laurel Davies-Butts
– February 2, 1967 Dream
– Third Sequence

I do not really waken however but continue dreaming. I’m downtown in the same town, with this group again. One girl asks me if Chuck stayed til nine last night and I say yes. Then one girl, not of the group, is crying. I say something about poetry and she says, well you’d better talk fast because I’ve just about decided to stop writing poetry. She has light brown hair, rather dark circles under her eyes and is somewhat younger than I. I say that you can’t just decide consciously to give up writing poetry, you’d write it anyhow, though you could subconsciously make such a decision and never know about it at all. Then rather dramatically but beautifully I tell her that: “Poetry is your characteristic method of expression, your way of translating the data into physical reality and that even its rhythm is the rhythm of your heartbeat.” Tell her that she can’t give it up.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I run ahead of the other girl, and around her, really hunting her down, yelling again dramatically and accusingly: “I ask myself, where are all my friends who were going to write no matter what, to work no matter what happened. Where are they all and now I work alone?" I almost chanted this, and more that I’ve forgotten. (I don’t think she wanted to hear and that I was making her listen on purpose, for her own good.) She ran, cringing, to hide. Friends gathered about her. One said, she’s in bad shape, or badly off, words to that effect. You’ve made things worse. But I said, “No, you can’t save a part of her (and sacrifice part) you have to save the poetry too.” And she did seem better. Friends comforted her. I said to some of them, “Do you know how to work the pendulum?" As I said this I knew that they did before they answered, yes. “Then check it out," I said and they agreed.

Then we were all going back to our apartment, Rob’s and mine. The scene was lovely. We stood blocks away but could see the houses where ours was, it was night now, the bright colors of the houses showing clearly, though. I couldn’t pick out our place from where we stood, couldn’t find it, but realized I had to get up or wake up, and did. I felt very good, refreshed, revitalized.

Earlier, one of the boys kissed me laughingly in front of the group and I laughed, delighted. They all seemed to look up to me in some way. Earlier too, someone asked me if my skin wasn’t brown or when it looked brown and I said in Summertime.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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