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TES6 Session 279 August 15, 1966 30/137 (22%) card greeting Tunkhannock monumental envelope
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 279 August 15, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The regularly scheduled session due Wednesday, August 10, was not held because Jane was indisposed.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The greeting card represented on pages 320-21 figures in the envelope data, and so is shown also. It was not used in the envelope. The card was mailed to Jane and me by my mother from Tunkhannock, PA, on August 11,1966. It is on file along with the envelope, bearing date, ZIP code, etc.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane began speaking while sitting down, in an average voice and with pauses at the beginning. Her eyes soon opened; she was smoking.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

In other systems the same energy idea will be transformed in a different way entirely, even as the physical objects within your universe are perceived in entirely different ways to others not within your system. Any given physical object exists in the manner in which you are accustomed to perceiving it. This (Jane struck the arm of the rocker in which she sat) for example exists as a chair. It also exists as sound. It has a counterpart that can, under given conditions, be perceived exclusively in terms of any of your senses.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:40. As she had done during the 274th session, Jane remained in trance at break. This didn’t mean she confined herself to her chair, sitting with her eyes closed. Instead she too paced about the room, her eyes open and very dark, and spoke to me as I stretched. We discussed briefly the similarity between projections and my paintings. She lit a cigarette and said she’d let me tell her when I was ready to resume.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(One of our cats now scratched at the hall door for admittance, as is customary. Without pausing, her eyes open and dark, Jane rose and went to the door and let the cat in. She resumed her seat in the rocker without interruption.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(“Yes.” 10:05. Jane’s eyes now closed, and remained so.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now took the sealed double envelope from me without opening her eyes. This is our 67th such experiment. She pressed the envelope to her forehead horizontally.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused at about 10:15. She had been speaking rapidly. Before I could ask a question she continued:)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Jane sat with the envelope resting in her lap, eyes still closed.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused again. Briefly her eyes opened—something that seldom happens during envelope experiments.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:25. Jane said she was “way-out.” Seth hadn’t wanted to take a break at the regular time, and had wanted to keep her under for the experiment also. He also had Jane let the cat in so she wouldn’t get upset by the animal’s scratching at the door. Her eyes had remained closed during the experiment and her pace had been quite rapid except where indicated.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane had one predominant image during the data, and this was of the greeting card. This is the reason for its inclusion with the actual object, since much of the following data actually deals with the greeting card. This is a case where the actual object, Leonard’s note to us, served as a springboard. The connection between the object and the greeting card is a legitimate and close one, and presumably would not have developed had Jane not correctly divined the nature of the object itself to begin with. The connection between the two being the fact that the object concerned a phone call to us from my mother; and that my mother was also the sender of the card to us.

(Jane of course had seen the card upon arrival, on August 12 or 13,1966. It had become mislaid after arrival and we hadn’t seen it since. We saw the envelope object on August 14. As soon as Jane began giving the envelope data I realized she referred to Mother’s card as well as the object. At break we launched a search for the card. It was fruitless; we had given up on finding it until I looked through a stack of old magazines as a last resort.

(Of course the emotional involvement and reaction between us and my parents is strong, and would tend to override more specific details of the envelope object itself, once Jane had picked up the idea of my mother. Jane had the idea of Mother’s greeting card in mind from the start of the envelope data, she said. She tried not to let this color the data. She mentally dropped it, deciding to let Seth speak in his own way. But the card plays a large part in the data nevertheless.

(“A grave. Something grave.” Jane had a strong ill or grave feeling, meaning burial, here, and it is applicable. My mother made the phone call that resulted in the object; my father is in poor health, and she talked of this when Jane returned the phone call at about noon on Sunday, August 14. In addition, the greeting card was mailed to us by Mother from Tunkhannock, PA, where she visited my brother and his wife. My sister-in-law’s father is also very ill, having nearly died recently.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“Connection with a disturbance.” My mother’s call, represented by the object, reflected her own disturbance, and this in turn affected Jane and me when we made the return call later in the morning, August 14,1966.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“Something misplaced.” Leonard Yaudes, the author of the object, has recently lost a pair of garden shears. Jane subjectively feels this is the correct interpretation. I wondered if it might not refer to our search for the greeting card, described on page 327. Jane might have had subconscious knowledge that the card was lost. She was well aware that she was giving data concerning this card. I did not think of this possibility at the time and so did not ask Seth.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(“I L I A.” Jane was puzzled at this data at the time she gave it, as though she didn’t have it right. Seth deals with it when he answers the first question.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“A very distant connection with a foreign land and a person. A woman. A Butts, I believe.” This is another example growing out of my mother’s connection with the object. The key is a mention of a Butts. Jane said that when giving the data she knew she meant the A as an initial A, standing for Alice Butts. I of course did not know this. Alice Butts is a retired cousin of my mother’s whom my mother admires very much. Alice served in Korea as a missionary for many years. In addition, Leonard Yaudes, author of the envelope object, knows Alice Butts.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“A folded card. Writing on the inside. Printed matter and handwriting.” All of this refers to the greeting card shown on pages 320-21, and sent to Jane and me by Mother on August 14,1966. The envelope object itself is not folded.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(“Several colors. White, orange, red perhaps, this being circular, and a yellow. Plus dark printing.” All of this applies to the greeting card, which we received in the mail either on August 12 or 13, and was of course seen by Jane. The envelope object came into being August 14. All of the above is accurate with the exception that there is no yellow on the card. The orange, red applies to the red halftone used on the cartoon figure, as indicated on page 319.

(“I N C again, and perhaps 1418.” This is interesting data. No I N C appears on the greeting card, although a company logo and address does on the back. However I N C did appear on the envelope used in the last experiment, the 66th. That was a postcard, and this evening’s object is a greeting card. In addition, both are related to Leonard Yaudes; who sent us the postcard, and who authored tonight’s object. The connection being Leonard, and the fact that Jane picked up Leonard’s involvement in both experiments.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(See the tracing of the penciled slip I had attached to the envelope object when I first obtained it, reminding me of the date. The sequence, 8/14/66, is also close to 1418. Jane had never seen this slip, but it had been attached to the object for some time and perhaps was clairvoyantly divined. She had seen the envelope containing the greeting card in a casual way, of course, as had I. I did not discover the discrepancy in ZIP codes on the envelope until examining it after the session—several days after.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(In reference to the Apples data above, I should add that an apple tree in the backyard of our place here in Elmira can also furnish connections. Leonard Yaudes, the author of the envelope object, irritated Jane somewhat in July by cutting some of the limbs from this tree. He also talked of cutting the tree itself down, and Jane asked him not to.

(“The word Ensenada.” We thought this referred to a camping trip Jane and I made to Baja California with Jane’s father. This being a distant connection with my parents, who also camped in years past.

(“Something favorite, or favored, here. Some one favored.” Jane said she was subjectively sure this was another reference to my mother, who caused Leonard to author the object. Me being my mother’s favorite son.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Comment, meant to encourage Jane: “Well, that’s correct. The object does involve a note.” “A very definite connection with illness however.” As explained, both the envelope object and the greeting card have connections with the illness of my father and Mr. Meeker.

(Jane resumed at 11:03.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(End at 11:09. Jane was out as usual, her eyes open part of the time. She said Seth was quite capable of going on for hours.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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