1 result for (book:tes6 AND session:278 AND stemmed:our)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(The 66th envelope object was a postcard mailed to us by our neighbor across the hall, Leonard Yaudes, from Portland, Maine, on July 23,1966. I sealed it in the usual double envelopes after placing it between two pieces of Bristol.
[... 31 paragraphs ...]
(“No.” At 9:43 Jane took the envelope for our 66th experiment from me without opening her eyes. She pressed it to her forehead in a horizontal manner.)
[... 29 paragraphs ...]
(See the tracings of the object on page 309. Pertinent data connected to it will be brought out as we list our connections. We were able to make some, and Seth did not help us out after break.
(“Fur.” I wrote this as fur, rather than fir, when Jane gave it, not knowing which she meant. I saw no connection, but as soon as she saw the scene on the postcard used as object, Jane said fur had been a reference to the white foamy water spray and surf. To her it had a definite resemblance to the white thick fur of our long-haired cat, Willy. As soon as Jane mentioned this resemblance I agreed with her.
(“Eight.” Possibly the numeral 8 in 458 W. Water Street, our address. The only 8 on the object, although there are 28 other numbers on the object, including the denomination on the stamp.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(“414.” There is no 414, numbers in this sequence, on the object. There are several groups of numbers however. Among them are 417, bottom left corner on the back of the card, and 149 as part of the ZIP code number of our address.
(“Three people. The busts rather than full figures, as three heads for example. I only see the tops of these figures.” Our interpretation: Note that Leonard Yaudes addressed the object to Jane and me, after crossing out the name John. [John happens to be a good friend of Leonard’s, though merely an acquaintance of ours; Leonard evidently made an absentminded mistake in addressing the card.] The address line of the card thus contains three names. Above this line is the postage stamp, bearing the head and shoulders of Lincoln.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
(Although this interpretation seems obvious, Jane said that J B also reminded her of our friend John Bradley, who had witnessed some sessions. Note that the name John, although crossed out, appears on the object. Jane thinks she could have also thought of John Bradley as well as Jane Butts, and not wanting to commit herself spoke aloud the initials instead of one or the other full name.
[... 25 paragraphs ...]
We will close our session. Had Ruburt been at his best, the results would have been better. As it is, we progress.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]