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TES6 Session 277 August 3, 1966 13/49 (27%) projections blunders control environment future
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 277 August 3, 1966 9 PM Wednesday

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Your waking consciousness only participates in projections as a rule when you are in a period of high vitality, and exceptional health.

On occasion the waking consciousness does participate during other usually very depressed periods. But generally speaking high energy is needed in order to maintain overall stability, and in order that the ego is not overstrained. Such conscious projections are automatically spaced out. In this way there is little danger that problems will arise.

It is the same with the conscious retention of dreams in general. You are indeed exercising what amounts to an added ability. You are learning to manipulate within other dimensions of consciousness. Automatic controls are therefore used. (Voice somewhat deeper.) You proceed as your abilities and control develop.

Suggestion given before sleep will greatly add to your chances of conscious projections from the dream state. It is not necessary, basically speaking, that you notice some small incongruous detail in order to realize while dreaming that you are dreaming. There is however one good method to use. The suggestion “I will realize while dreaming that I am dreaming” can also be used, as another method, or both of these may be utilized together.

At your stage it is of course easier if the actual separation of consciousness from the physical body occurs without your awareness. However the experience itself is excellent training. I have told you that these projections may carry you to different systems. In the beginning you are safer perhaps in those projections that involve your own reality.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

When falling off to sleep for example, imagine that you are in your yard, in another room of your apartment, or in front of the house. When this method is effective you will not be consciously aware of the actual separation however. I do not suggest at this point that you or Ruburt attempt to contact me during any projection. Later, when you have more training.

If by chance you blunder (smile, eyes open) into my territory, then I will know it, and seek you out. Whenever you find yourself in any potentially dangerous dream situation during a projection, immediately terminate the dream. You will then return to an ordinary state of consciousness.

Now. Mr. Fox is quite correct. When you know you are in a projection do not be tempted to tamper. There are forces that you do not yet understand. You will find that these projections become more vivid. I must repeat that these are quite valid. They are not hallucinations. Conscious projections do not occur with any frequency as far as a large percentage of humanity is concerned. Note that I speak only now of projections in which you are self-consciously aware.

The reasons are somewhat obvious. Conscious projections are dependent upon abilities and control. Also this ability and control presupposes a fairly disciplined personality. Otherwise we would have explosive outbursts of suddenly released aggressions in systems where they do not belong.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

During projection you are dealing with environments and realities with which you are not acquainted on a conscious level. Yet during projections you will be consciously aware of them.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

It is very simply the energy that composes your universe, only you are usually familiar with it when it is formed into matter exclusively. Now it is this that may carry you to other systems, though the word carry seems to imply a motion backward or forward. The motion may feel backward or forward, but instead there is an immersion into various depths.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

All projections involve literally an extension of identity and self. The usual limitations set upon the self by the ego vanish. Now. This gives some hint of the abilities that exist for the individual in future existences. (Long pause, head down, eyes closed.) Whether or not projections are conscious, they occur in any case, and the personality learns from them. The conscious projection however involves a much higher achievement. (Long pause.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

These forms do exist, as your physical body does. They are fused however with your inner self. They are not physical, but they do exist in the whole package of the self, perhaps like the skins of an onion, you see. They are merely the forms that your own consciousness takes in different dreams.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

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