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TES6 Session 273 July 18, 1966 1/79 (1%) wheel sweater ribbon parallelogram nurse
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 273 July 18, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 64 paragraphs ...]

(“The word seisograph comes to mind. Or marks like earthquake marks on a graph. Printing I believe at the lower center, outside of a margin, or implied margin. Very small, the printing very small, perhaps D E L. Part of the word delivered, I do not know. Perhaps a connection with some item delivered.” Again, see Seth’s comments on page 274, concerning his use of Jane’s associations. We think the above block of data is a good example of his attempts to have Jane talk about the delivery of a package to our door. Seth and Jane here seem to permit the use of such association in a much freer manner than in the past.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

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