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TES6 Session 272 June 29, 1966 2/85 (2%) violence docile child retaliate aggressiveness
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 272 June 29, 1966 9 PM Wednesday

[... 44 paragraphs ...]

You grew up in an environment, my dear friend, in which violence and aggressiveness became one, were expressed in some degree by both parents. But this expression was denied to the children, and you longed to retaliate. Your father’s aggressiveness, normal male aggressiveness, was blocked up, and directed against your mother. You longed to express your natural violence, you normal aggressiveness, and you also feared to do so, and dwelled mainly in your own world.

As a rule you do not express these feelings in the area where they would normally be expressed, and you also use them as a basis for creative work. As such they are valuable. You are twice angry at Ruburt’s lack of aggressiveness in the business world, therefore.

[... 38 paragraphs ...]

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