1 result for (book:tes6 AND session:268 AND stemmed:our)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Once again Jane began speaking in a heavier voice, since our windows were open because of the warm evening. Her eyes remained closed for the entire first delivery. Her pace was good.)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
My welcome as always to our guests.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(See the last session. Jane had been trying to keep alive a young robin that had been caught by one of our cats last Monday. This morning we found the bird had died during the night. It had been kept outside, in a safe place, and fed, etc. Last night at perhaps 10 PM, as we sat in the living room, Jane suddenly announced: “The bird is dead.” But we did not go to check.)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
As you know, this is characteristic of one of our inner senses. In some projection experiences you will also know, or experience a concept, and at first you see you may not understand what is happening. You usually think out an idea. There are some experiences that involve what we shall call pseudoprojections.
[... 25 paragraphs ...]
I suggest a break now for our Instream material.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Give us a moment please for our Instream material.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(At 10:16 I handed Jane the envelope for our 61st experiment. Her eyes still closed, she pressed it to her forehead, its long dimension parallel to the floor.)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(After the gesture Jane switched the envelope to a vertical position as she put it back against her forehead. From now on I watched carefully to see that she held the envelope in the same position until the end of the delivery, so that I could mark the top dimension thus, should it be necessary to our interpretation of the data, and the Wilburs verified that the position of the object itself was thus determined by marking in succession both envelopes as they were opened at break, the two pieces of Bristol, and finally the object itself.)
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
(Break at 10:31. Jane was dissociated very well, she said—really out. She thought Seth had done this deliberately to compensate for the traffic noise coming through our open windows, and because the witnesses had, in the beginning of the data, unwittingly distracted her by moving papers, coughing, etc.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(The Wilburs, Jane and I made the envelope connections. Seth confirmed our interpretation of a couple of them after break.
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
(“I believe your brother Loren is one present. The number 17, a date in July which will be significant to him, or his close family—not necessarily to him, you see.” We did not ask for this data; it came through spontaneously. We saw one reason why Seth could have chosen to insert it here in the envelope data, and Seth confirms our speculation later. Our idea was that Seth sought to use the idea of a relative connection with the object. Ruth Gridley, listed on page 3 of the object as one of the Art Shop’s new management, is my first cousin; Loren of course is my brother. But we still think the Loren data is separate in the main from the envelope data.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
We will now close our session, out of my due passionate regard for you. I am as always quite willing and able to carry on for some time.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(“Was our interpretation of the ten data correct?”)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(“Well then, how did our cat get out of the house?”
(Recently we acquired a second cat, a stray. It had the habit of coming and going at all hours. Last night Jane let it in at about 1 AM, after hearing it scratching at the backdoor. In order to do this she had to fully dress before walking down the long hall outside our apartment. Jane fed the cat and locked our apartment door as usual before returning to bed. I know she was up at this time because she woke me getting back into bed, and told me the second cat had come home. I also heard this cat and our first cat, Willy, playing in the living room.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Someone in this household walked in their sleep, and opened the door. The cat is not good at projection. Our friend Ruburt does not remember his nocturnal walk. Since we are with friends, I will tell you that he remembered his womanly modesty even in his sleep, and he once more donned the clothes that he donned earlier, you see, when he let the cat in.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Seth called it a night, presumably, at 11:30, but then returned, still in a fine and smiling mood. He said Jane would not like the sleepwalking idea, which Jane confirmed later. He also told Marilyn Wilbur that he saw her, through Jane’s eyes, as an individual—a question Marilyn had raised earlier in the evening. In the past on various occasions Seth has said he usually sees witnesses, and myself, as a composite electromagnetic image that embodies our past, present and future, as well as these attributes in whatever other lives we might have had. He has explained that this is easier, usually, than focusing so sharply on the one physical and psychic personality in our temporal now.
(The Wilburs left us. Jane and I thought the session over, but Seth returned briefly again at about 11:45, to comment in a hearty manner that during the physical lives Jane, Seth and I lived together in Denmark, during the 1600s, I did him out of considerable money. Bits and pieces of our reincarnational material crop up throughout the sessions.
(Seth returned once more at 11:54, this time again in answer to our speculations concerning the second cat and Jane’s sleepwalking episode. Here is the rest of the story involving the second cat: After I left for work and Jane had taken the cat into the house, she discovered to her sorrow that the cat had somehow gotten its lower jaw caught in a new collar we had put on it the day before, and that evidently the cat’s lower jaw had been forced open in this strained position for some hours. Jane had to use scissors to cut the collar off. The cat promptly fell into a stuporous sleep, that lasted all day.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]