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TES6 Session 265 June 6, 1966 7/120 (6%) Marilyn ceramic bricks Wilburs object
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 265 June 6, 1966 9 PM Monday

[... 38 paragraphs ...]

The first step is this. Forget the physical body, or what you are to do with it. Will yourself out in a quick motion. There is no need to experience the voice hallucinations mentioned by the author, Fox. If the projection is a success you will instantly lose contact consciously with the physical body. You simply will not be in it.

Now your consciousness will not be in it, but it is hardly lifeless. Its maintenance is being controlled by the consciousness of the individual cells and organs of which we have spoken. I will give you alternate methods of projecting, but I will be concerned now with what you can expect the few moments after you have left the physical body.

[... 58 paragraphs ...]

Now. Once your consciousness is outside of the physical body, then you are dealing with a different kind of reality indeed. This is experience every bit as real as any other.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There is no danger of not returning to the physical body, generally speaking. If in your projection you seem to be flying past treetops, then you are indeed doing so. The physical body is obviously not doing so.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now I have been speaking of projection from a trance state. You may of course project from a dream, and not realize that you have done so. Upon awakening you may then be frightened to find the physical body in what amounts to a trance state, while the mind is wide awake. As I believe Ruburt told our small friend, such has been the case on rather frequent occasions with her. (Jane, her eyes open, pointed at Ann Diebler.)

Projection from a dream state is something else again, therefore, and when it is executed successfully then you have a fine example of the self as it changes the focus of its own awareness. Here the critical consciousness is quite apparent, while the body sleeps. Projections occur quite naturally under these conditions. For the development of the whole self however, and for the perfection of such experiences, it is beneficial that such projections be carried out by the conscious wish of the projector. You learn therefore to manipulate your own consciousness in different realities than the ones with which you are usually concerned.

There are strange benefits that can result. Some cases are on record where individuals are suddenly propelled out of the path of danger. This involves instantaneous projection. The fear and panic that could make the body vulnerable is not present, and the body escapes danger precisely because consciousness is not there to cause panic reactions.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

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