1 result for (book:tes6 AND session:259 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
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You do exist therefore in both of these dimensions. The ego cannot participate directly in such experience. There is a compliance on the part of the ego, however, that allows it to step aside so that it does not block inner awareness of other-dimensional existence. It is difficult, but not impossible, for the ego to correlate the information gained. Dreams involve as you know several dimensions. The dream state itself is a very loose term, for there are several layers of consciousness within it, and there is no limit to the states of consciousness that can be achieved, ideally speaking.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
The Fox experiments are quite valid, with some changes that you will make, I imagine. At one level of the dreaming state it is possible for you to recognize and align yourself with that portion of yourself that is aware of itself within fourth-dimensional reality. You have both occasionally learned to take our waking consciousness into the dream state, and here Fox is correct, for you must start at this point.
You begin to manipulate the dream state, or rather you begin to manipulate yourself within dream reality, which is something different. It is an entirely new environment. In ordinary dreaming, without the awareness of usual waking consciousness, perception of dream reality is limited and instinctive. All in all you get along quite well. You are like a child in objective reality. When you learn to take waking awareness into the dream condition, you are reaching adolescence, so to speak.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
You are at the early stages of this development, but it will come. These realities within the dream universe may be created by you, but they are as actual as the piece of cake that you eat, or the poison that you may swallow. As your common sense protects you in the physical universe, so you must use discretion as you progress into the manipulation of dream objects.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
For example, Mr. Fox’s dream meetings were quite valid. This is what happens in such a case. Those who agree on such a meeting within dream reality must have certain abilities developed. They must be capable of taking waking consciousness into the dream state. They must be able to manipulate within it. Each of them therefore constructs, you see, the dream location at which they have agreed to meet, a point not thought of by Ruburt’s Mr. Fox.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
When you are only operating within physical reality, you have a fairly simple set of rules to serve you. Within dream reality you are much freer. The ego is not present. The waking consciousness, dear friends, is not the ego. The ego is merely a small portion of waking consciousness. The ego is the portion of waking consciousness that deals with physical manipulation.
Waking consciousness is taken into the dream state, but the ego is not. The ego would immediately falter, and cause immediate failure and catastrophe. What you will meet in your experiments are varieties of conditions, and until you have learned the control it may be difficult to distinguish between them. Some you can manipulate, some you cannot.
Some dream locations will be of your own construction. Others will be of constructions quite strange to you. They will belong to other dimensions entirely, and you may blunder into them. You are in a basic manner, you see, outside of your own system when you attempt to bring your waking consciousness into the dream state.
You are in the process of evolving another form of consciousness, that is individually. This will be new to you to some large extent. In the past any such experiences have been accidental on your parts. I have been involved in some instances with Ruburt on such occasions.
[... 60 paragraphs ...]