1 result for (book:tes6 AND session:259 AND stemmed:fourth)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
We shall have more to say, concerning for this evening, fourth-dimensional personality structures.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Our own material has hinted in these directions very strongly. Ruburt is quite familiar with such excursions, though egotistically he is only slightly aware of a few of them. There is no need to get too complicated, so we shall deal only with fourth and fifth-dimensional personality structures for now.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Practically speaking however there are usually only three. Your own fourth-dimensional personality structure obviously operates constantly. One of the main purposes and goals of the whole self is to become aware of all such existences, and to correlate them into an identity structure.
The Fox experiments are quite valid, with some changes that you will make, I imagine. At one level of the dreaming state it is possible for you to recognize and align yourself with that portion of yourself that is aware of itself within fourth-dimensional reality. You have both occasionally learned to take our waking consciousness into the dream state, and here Fox is correct, for you must start at this point.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Now there are points of difference indeed in fourth-dimensional reality for you, as there are points of reference in objective reality.
We have already explained the ways in which agreement is reached within physical reality, as to the dimensions of objects. In somewhat the same manner agreements are reached in fourth-dimensional reality.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
Now I do not like the term astral bodies, simply because of the sometimes weird connotations connected with the phrase. There is a kind of idea, or mental body, a counterpart in many ways, but not always, to the physical body, which is the structure the self takes in what you may call for now fourth dimension.
[... 58 paragraphs ...]