1 result for (book:tes6 AND session:259 AND stemmed:"chang realiti")

TES6 Session 259 May 16, 1966 14/95 (15%) pigment object Fox white shape
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 259 May 16, 1966 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

The Fox experiments are quite valid, with some changes that you will make, I imagine. At one level of the dreaming state it is possible for you to recognize and align yourself with that portion of yourself that is aware of itself within fourth-dimensional reality. You have both occasionally learned to take our waking consciousness into the dream state, and here Fox is correct, for you must start at this point.

You begin to manipulate the dream state, or rather you begin to manipulate yourself within dream reality, which is something different. It is an entirely new environment. In ordinary dreaming, without the awareness of usual waking consciousness, perception of dream reality is limited and instinctive. All in all you get along quite well. You are like a child in objective reality. When you learn to take waking awareness into the dream condition, you are reaching adolescence, so to speak.

When you reach adulthood, following our analogy, then you will learn to be successful in manipulating dream reality as you now manipulate objective reality. For if you create your dreams, you also create your objective environment. The dream reality is as real and actual as physical reality, but it can be changed you see by you, as physical reality can be changed.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You are at the early stages of this development, but it will come. These realities within the dream universe may be created by you, but they are as actual as the piece of cake that you eat, or the poison that you may swallow. As your common sense protects you in the physical universe, so you must use discretion as you progress into the manipulation of dream objects.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now there are points of difference indeed in fourth-dimensional reality for you, as there are points of reference in objective reality.

We have already explained the ways in which agreement is reached within physical reality, as to the dimensions of objects. In somewhat the same manner agreements are reached in fourth-dimensional reality.

For example, Mr. Fox’s dream meetings were quite valid. This is what happens in such a case. Those who agree on such a meeting within dream reality must have certain abilities developed. They must be capable of taking waking consciousness into the dream state. They must be able to manipulate within it. Each of them therefore constructs, you see, the dream location at which they have agreed to meet, a point not thought of by Ruburt’s Mr. Fox.

When you are considering dream reality, it is easier for you to understand that you construct the reality therein. You find it more difficult to understand the same thing about physical reality.

As a result however, you are somewhat less apt to accept dream reality as actual, and I must tell you that it is, particularly since you are considering certain experiments along these lines. You are in control as long as you realize that you are in control.

Now. There are indeed portions of dream reality that you yourself may not have constructed, but that are constructed by others. You recall that in physical reality you can only perceive your own constructions, as a rule. Now, my dear friends, this does not apply to dream reality.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Form of any kind, and there is form within dream reality, form is first of all a potential form, existing within psychic energy. The potential form therefore exists long before it’s physical materialization, as far as your physical perceptions are concerned.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. In certain levels of dream reality forms that you do not as yet perceive as physical, do exist. They can be seen and perceived. In certain dreams you do perceive them. Within dream reality you can come in contact with many other kinds of reality with which you do not ordinarily have to deal.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

When you are only operating within physical reality, you have a fairly simple set of rules to serve you. Within dream reality you are much freer. The ego is not present. The waking consciousness, dear friends, is not the ego. The ego is merely a small portion of waking consciousness. The ego is the portion of waking consciousness that deals with physical manipulation.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

In physical existence usually you simply do not perceive it. There is a psychic structure also that has a form. This is the self as it appears within what you may call for now fifth-dimensional reality, but it does not exist at all in terms of matter. On occasion you travel in this form.

[... 56 paragraphs ...]

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