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TES6 Session 256 May 4, 1966 4/106 (4%) Berry Mrs photo article antidote
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 256 May 4, 1966 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 23 paragraphs ...]

Obviously however this analogy only carries us so far. You will say, “The four egos belonging to Eve all belonged to one physical body, but in the reincarnational process we are faced with the issue of several bodies, each one discarded and experiencing physical death.”

Now, I will tell you the nearly unbelievable. There was not one shared body in the case of the four Eves. There were four separate bodies.

After the first shock this should come as no surprise. As you know, the physical body is itself never the same, and the atoms that compose it appear and disappear constantly while the appearance of permanency is retained. Such a process, and a natural one, took place in the case of Eve.

But as the personalities alternated they took over the organic processes so completely that while the body appeared, generally speaking, to be the same, it was not the same.

[... 78 paragraphs ...]

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