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TES6 Session 251 April 15, 1966 14/23 (61%) Diebler apparition exhibitionism unscheduled Ann
– The Early Sessions: Book 6 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 251 April 15, 1966 Approximately 10 PM Friday Unscheduled

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


(The session came about after Jane had played portions of the tape of the 170th session for the group. [...] Playing the tape was an attempt to answer some of their questions, and in this Jane and I were following Seth’s advice of the 246th session. During that session Seth suggested Jane and I do all we can to inform others who are interested in matters psychic. [...]


(Friday afternoon Jane had not been feeling particularly well, but did not tell me. [...] In fact, the session was cut short by Jane’s illness. A long break was taken after the first delivery; Jane’s voice was good, her points very emphatic, and her eyes wide open some of the time as she answered questions. [...]


[...] The session was not actually a long one, and ended in Jane’s physical illness. [...] The stage had been set through conversation and the use of the tape, and I thought Seth made his appearance with the subconscious permission of Jane and me. [...]


[...] The gist of tonight’s material on this subject was that Bill allowed his intuitions enough freedom so that he was able to see the apparition for over an hour and to make several drawings of it; by the same token Jane and I were unable to see the apparition because we tried to intellectualize it. Later in the 68th session however I did see, along with Bill, a very striking change in Jane’s physical features. [...]


(During the long break after the first delivery, Jane had a little more to drink, but nothing out of the ordinary by any means. [...] Jane’s voice had been quiet after break.


(Shortly after this, while I was in the studio with Marilyn and Ann, I was informed that Jane was being physically sick in the kitchen. [...] Peggy Gallagher administered to Jane, and company then left.


(Jane later said that she was sure she hadn’t had too much to drink, and that she had become very upset over company behavior while the tape was being played, etc. [...] And of course by and large Jane is interested in regular sessions. [...]


[...] Some of these have involved only Jane and me. The rest have involved a small group of interested people, and it is probably fair to say that the question of exhibitionism has arisen in Jane’s mind on but three or four occasions. [...]


(As suggested by Seth in the last regular session for April 11, Monday, Jane decided to skip Wednesday’s session for April 13, and possibly the following Monday’s for April 18. [...]


[...] One person was still home upstairs however, as I reminded Jane; the reminder had little effect.

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