1 result for (book:tes6 AND session:245 AND stemmed:our)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Jane had an unusual experience late last week, and I had one earlier today; we hoped Seth would discuss them this evening. Here follows the material from our notebooks:
(Jane: Thursday night, March 24. I woke up sometime in the middle of the night and saw the form of a woman standing by Rob’s side of the bed, not mine. The room was dark but I saw that her dress was blue. She was rather thin and fairly tall. Her face was not clear at all but her dress was clearly visible—at least the color. It was one-piece, of moderate length. I do not remember her face at all. I do recall that our bookcase, behind her, showed up well; its cream color was clear although the rest of the room was dark. I believe her head was covered. As soon as I saw the figure it disappeared. I had the feeling that something was trying to make me forget what I saw, so I quickly woke Rob and told him what I had seen. The woman did not remind me of anyone I know, or had known.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
(Our cat Willy had been eating in the kitchen. Ordinarily he pays no attention to the sessions, after his early displays when the sessions first began; at that time, according to Seth, he sensed Seth’s presence and reacted strongly. He has since grown used to this.
[... 27 paragraphs ...]
(A single woman named Lucy lives in a small apartment above our own. A woman friend of hers died a few months ago. Neither Jane or I had ever met Lucy’s friend but we recall hearing about her death through Lucy. We remember in particular because the dead woman’s relatives gave Lucy her television set.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Now. Give us a moment please for our Instream material.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
(Jane paused at 10:16. Without opening her eyes she took the envelope for our 44th experiment from me, and pressed it to her forehead.)
[... 24 paragraphs ...]
(“A connection with a trip.” The high school we visited was on Water Street, our street, and at first we thought of walking up to it. At the last moment we decided it was too far, so I drove us there.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(“Squares.” I thought this a reference to the form in which we received the vaccine on both occasions. See the sketch on page 51. We were each given a small cube—the squares—of pink sugar, containing the vaccine, and we let them dissolve on our tongues.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(“A connection with a family group, of one, five, three and two.” Both envelope objects refer to family groups. We are not sure what the numbers refer to. Types one, two and three polio vaccines are referred to on the cards, but this leaves the five to be explained. Nor do the numbers fit our family groups completely. In the phone book the school at which we received the vaccine on each occasion is listed by avenue, but no number is given.
(“A specific address.” The back of one of the envelope objects contains our address, 458 West Water Street, Elmira, NY, written there by me when we took Sabin Type I polio vaccine in October 1962.
[... 47 paragraphs ...]
I will end our session. My heartiest wishes to you both.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]