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TES5 Session 239 March 7, 1966 25/115 (22%) John perfume dominate Philip wife
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 239 March 7, 1966 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The 38th envelope experiment was held during the session. The object, sealed in the usual double envelope, was the insurance slip for the two manuscripts Jane mailed to her publisher on February 10,1966. These were the poetry book and the first section of her book on the Seth material. This material is discussed in the 234th session, among others.

(Jane was not feeling at her best, and did not do as well as she wanted to on the experiment. I had suggested earlier in the day that she skip the session but she declined. She also wanted to have the envelope experiment. John Bradley, our salesman friend from Williamsport, PA, was a witness, and I believe this contributed to the envelope results, in some way I cannot define. Previously Jane has done well with envelopes before witnesses.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The session was held in our front room. Jane began speaking while sitting down and with her eyes closed. She was smoking, and opened her eyes but the one time to put out her cigarette. Her pace was average, her voice a little more active than usual.)

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:20. Jane was dissociated as usual, she said, for a first delivery. Her delivery had become rather active and fast.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(John said it was all right for the personal material to be included in this record, and it is a good example of the way Seth handles such data. Jane and I, incidentally, have never met John’s wife. Most of the family material is self-explanatory. During break John gave us some information; briefly, it has to do with his restlessness in his job, his wife’s reactions, his wife’s parents, his own strong need to assert his independence, etc. John is also active politically in Pennsylvania, as a conservative. He is an excellent medical representative for Searle Drug, but feels he is not being extended enough in his work; he wants more challenge. Seth has advised patience here; John said this is difficult for him but that he is carefully considering the advice. Searle itself is going through a difficult time managerially and financially.

(Jane finally resumed, her eyes closed even though she was smoking, at 9:48.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now paused. As when giving experimental material, she sat with her head down, a hand raised to her closed eyes.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused at 10:01. She sat with her head down, her hands raised to her closed eyes. She began speaking with many short pauses, but overall her pace could not be called slow. This is the 45th Instream experiment.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(As usual Jane took the double envelope from me without opening her eyes. On impulse I almost told Seth there was to be no envelope, but decided to go ahead in the presence of a witness. Jane appeared to feel all right, also. She held the envelope against her forehead.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused at 10:17, without opening her eyes. She now held the envelope in her lap. This was the second time Seth had given me the chance to ask a question after an experiment. I could not be sure, without checking with Seth in detail, but I thought Jane had been wandering about on the above data. Because we had a witness I didn’t think we would spend too much time checking details. Earlier in the day I had wondered what would happen if I asked Seth/Jane to go over all of the data again; I supposed Jane would take this as a sign that the first data wasn’t much good, and at break Jane said this was her thought at the time.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:25. Jane said that toward the end of the delivery she was more dissociated as usual. When I asked her to try again she took it as a sign that the first attempt with the envelope wasn’t good.

(See the tracing of the object on page 339. The object is the insurance slip for the manuscripts of Jane’s poetry book, and the first section of the Seth material, mailed to her publisher on February 10,1966. This material is discussed to some extent in the 234th session, among others.

(Seth offered to go over the test material but we went on with more material for John Bradley, the witness. Jane and I made a few connections, which will be noted. In the first group of impressions Jane said the data “A light strip on this item. Perhaps wider at one end, and in the lower portion.” pertained to a mental image she had at the time. She saw a wedge-shaped light strip, horizontally, but could tell no more than this.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(My question proved to have some value, for in some manner it spurred Seth, or Jane, to a better effort. Listed below are the connections we could make without asking Seth.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“A square.” Jane said this probably referred to the tape recording that was mailed along with the manuscripts. The tape was one Jane made reading some of the poems for her publisher. It was wrapped in a thin box that was square in area.

(“A connection with a rush, or hurry. An engagement. A framework and a variety of incidents leading up to an important development.” Jane felt emotionally good about this data, she said. It involved her efforts in getting the tape made, and the two manuscripts in question, ready for the mail. All of it was done in quite a hurry, at the request of her publisher. Jane called her publisher on February 8, as noted in the envelope material in the 234th session, then hurried to get the scripts and tape ready for the mail on February 10. A variety of incidents were involved while Jane made the tape recording of the poems, etc.

(The important development for Jane was making the tape, and sending in the script on the Seth material. We are not sure of the reference to a framework however.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Break had again been fairly long. Jane resumed at a comfortable pace; her eyes were closed and she was smoking. After she had been speaking for a while her eyes, very dark, began to open occasionally. Resume at 10:45.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Once again Jane bowed her head and raised her hand to her closed eyes.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane pointed at John, her eyes still closed.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now took a pause lasting over a minute. Her eyes had been opening occasionally but they were now closed. Her hands were once again raised to her face.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 11:13. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her pace had been good; my hand was feeling some fatigue. Her eyes had remained closed except when she put out her cigarette and took a sip of wine.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Again the break was rather long. Jane resumed while smoking, in a faster manner, and her eyes began to open more often, at 11:34.)

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(11:59. I thought John wanted more information, but we were tired by now, and this proved to be the end of the session. Jane had been dissociated as usual. Her rapid pace had been broken by some rather long pauses, and her eyes had remained closed.

(John again agreed with Seth. He also verified Seth again, in that he remembers a younger girl living three houses away. This girl is perhaps five years younger than John and his wife; they know her only to say hello to. John said a younger woman lives but two houses away, also. Jane knew nothing of these two women, just as she knew nothing of the Wednesday incidents.)

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