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TES5 Session 236 February 28, 1966 50/139 (36%) drawing smudges tracing horizontal stickers
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 236 February 28, 1966 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


[...] He also said Jane should use suggestion to teach herself to sleep without a pillow. [...] When I remarked that I often woke up to notice that Jane was sleeping without a pillow, having pushed it aside in her sleep, Seth said this was an indication that her subconscious knew what it was doing. I sleep with a heavier pillow than Jane uses, and sometimes use two; Seth said my reasons were different than Jane’s and that in this case the pillows were not a hindrance.


(Jane said that out of all the connections we made, practically all of them referred to my tracing-paper drawing rather than to the actual envelope object itself. [...] Jane knows him of course, and likes him; yet the fact that I made the tracing-paper drawing evidently exerted a stronger pull emotionally. Perhaps this diverted Seth/Jane’s focus from the envelope object to a closely related object. As stated, Jane didn’t know the two drawings existed.


(I discussed with Seth the surprise with which Jane and I have watched young people take to his ideas on time, dreams, clairvoyance, telepathy, etc.; with this I speculated as to the reaction of Jane or myself had we been introduced to such ideas at the age of 20 or so. Seth said there was no cause for surprise here, that young people are intuitively aware of much more than one gives them credit for, and that when Jane and I meet young people who express interest we should help them by recommending books, giving our own ideas, etc.


[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Jane had the idea that Priestley and our unknown commentator were contemporaries. [...] Jane said she had the personal association of Norway when she heard herself giving the data on ice, regarding the name.


[...] Jane said this is another impression taken from the smudges on the back of my drawing. Note that this pencil smudging on the back of the tracing affected Jane probably more than anything else. [...] Jane was quite aware of this feeling subjectively.


(Seth reiterated that Jane’s book on the Seth material would be published, and that the poetry book would be published. [...] Jane’s publisher F. Fell, has written asking for photographs pertaining to the Seth book; in connection with this and in answer to my question, Seth said he would be amused to see a reproduction of my painting, purporting to be Seth, in the book. [...]


[...] He said I have been particularly benefited, since they have the ability to open me up, whereas I had always thought Jane benefited most, because of her very warm relationship with Peggy. Jane is more outgoing than I am.


(Seth used Jane’s pillow data to go on to explain that she had a habit of sleeping with her hands tensed, or sometimes clenched, and that this allowed tension to move up her arms, across her shoulders and into the upper back and neck. Sometimes upon arising Jane will notice a stiffness in her upper back and neck, which wears away as she becomes active. [...]


[...] The comments run the gamut from scorn to approval, and tell us as much about their author as they do about Jane’s book. Jane plans to ask her publisher, F. Fell, for the name of the author of the notes, and for a copy of the covering letter he refers to. [...]


[...] Jane felt good as session time arrived, and perhaps for this reason Seth spoke at a somewhat slower pace than usual. [...] Jane’s eyes opened almost at once, briefly, closed, then began their usual fluctuation. [...]

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