1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:235 AND stemmed:our)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(The regularly scheduled session for Monday, February 21, was not held. Jane and I felt the need to rest and vary our routine. As a result we felt much refreshed for tonight’s session. We wanted to make up for the Dr. Instream experiment we missed on Monday, however, so before tonight’s session we mentioned aloud that we hoped Seth would deal with this.
(The envelope object for tonight’s 35th experiment was a beer coaster that I picked up from our table last Saturday evening, at our favorite dining and dancing establishment here in Elmira. It was the one I had used. Jane and I met two young couples there by prearrangement, and we had much fun dancing. The coaster is made of heavy absorbent cardboard, so I peeled the top layer of paper from it. This contained the design, printed in red, without any unusual thickness to furnish Jane unwitting clues. It was sealed in the usual double envelope between two pieces of Bristol.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(The session was held again in our front room, and was not interrupted. The windows were closed to dampen traffic noise. Jane began speaking while sitting down and with her eyes closed, but they soon began to open for brief intervals. Her pace was rather slow, and she was smoking as the session began.)
[... 26 paragraphs ...]
There are other self-conscious portions of the self however, with which the ego is not at all familiar, but of which the subconscious has intuitive knowledge. These self-conscious portions of the self exist in different reality systems. Before we go into our Dr. Instream material, let me remind you however that there is a whole self, composed of these various self-conscious selves, and that a portionof the self is indeed aware of the unity that exists to form the whole psychological gestalt.
[... 30 paragraphs ...]
(See the tracing of the envelope object on page 301. As stated, Jane was the first to notice that some of the data given for the Instream object of Monday, February 21, appeared to apply to our own envelope object for this evening, February 23.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(“Something that resembles a shield in shape, with inscriptions upon it.” We suppose that since shields are of many shapes, this can apply to the shape of the envelope object. The printed copy on the coaster can be inscriptions. Our dictionary does not distinguish as to whether inscriptions need be lettering or designs, such as the three glasses on the coaster, or can be both.
(I was interested to note that our dictionary lists the word inscroll also, followinginscriptive, and that the last line of the data for the Instream object for Monday contains this reference: “a connection with a scroll for the above object.”
(“Either the inscription or the insignia is of red color.” Our envelope object, the coaster, is printed in a bright red. The color of the porous paper or board is a typical light beige or tan, not resembling metal, and certainly not heavy in weight for its size. Seth also mentioned these last two points in connection with the Instream data for Monday.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
(“Four, five, no, six, the number six.” Here again Seth leads Jane by his method of counting. There were six of us in our gathering last Saturday evening, when I obtained the envelope object.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Now. We shall shortly end our session.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(I can offer a connection, but cannot verify it with Seth until next session. After this session I remembered that the Wilburs are reading what we call Book One of the Seth material. This consists of the first 26 sessions. The first formal session was held December 2,1963. My introductory notes contain a reference to Jane and me borrowing a Ouija board from our landlord “in the fall of 1963,” which compares with the date given by Seth this evening, of September 10,1963. The notes refer to our attempts to use the board early in November 1963 also, without success.)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Jane paused and smiled broadly. See the reference to “A connection with grassy land,” and “and a person who was not familiar to you personally.” in the envelope data. At once I recalled an incident that took place at the dancing establishment last Saturday evening; the six in our party had watched it with much amusement.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
The four in the beginning was merely my effort to lead Ruburt further, in counting as I did do later on, ending up with our correct six. The number, as a beginning number, was chosen because it does appear, though minutely, on the item itself. Also, there were four, initially, and then six. I came in, so to speak, when there were four.
(The number 4 does appear in the small code number printed on the envelope object, inside the bottom border. We missed noting this during break. We had also forgotten that we met Marilyn and Don Wilbur first at the dancing establishment, and had time for our first drink before Ann Diebler and her escort, Paul Sinderman, arrived.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
This had no connection. The Gallaghers were at a party that evening. They were somewhat on Ruburt’s mind, and the name Terwilliger is a subconscious designation he uses for them. A distortion of the words Tim and Gallagher, simply because Tim has a particularly Gaelic connotation for him. More so than Bill, which is our Jesuit’s first name.
[... 23 paragraphs ...]
(This referred to Ann Diebler’s escort, Paul Sinderman. Paul holds a job in Norfolk, VA. He makes the 1200-mile round trip to Wellsburg, a small town just outside Elmira, to see Ann every other weekend. We were discussing the amount of driving this involved, during our evening at the dancing establishment last Saturday. Paul has been in at least one auto accident that we know of.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
No I did not. Our progress will be clear to those who read our records. There will be fluctuations. As larger areas are perceived more training is needed on Ruburt’s part, to give us specifics. But we shall get a hold of these specifics.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
On occasion he is in somewhat deeper a trance state, and our results are better, but this does not teach him what I want him to learn. The light trance state is ideal for my purposes. For with this training he will be able to give specificinformation, but he will also have some knowledge of how this comes about. Do you have any more questions?
[... 1 paragraph ...]
I will then close our session.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]