1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:232 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
(Seth began talking about pulsations in the very early sessions, the 12th among others. He added more material on such frequencies along with the data on the inner senses, by the 50th session; then elaborated further in the material on the electrical universe, given in the sessions from 122 on. See Volumes 1 through 3.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
He is obviously drawing upon knowledge that is beyond his own conscious abilities. Now much of it would, and is, theoretically available to each human being; but practically of course things simply do not work that way. He is reaching beyond his own personal subconscious, for while the personal subconscious does have definite knowledge unknown to the conscious mind, it also has definite limits.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
Now. Some of the information that I gave you in our last session, concerning the portions of the self, seem rather alien, I am sure. Do not forget however that you are not even aware of many portions of the self that you know intellectually do exist. So it is not so strange to imagine other portions of the self with which you are not at all familiar in any conscious way.
The workings of any cell within your physical body would strike you as quite alien. Its ways of perception are different. Each cell is an intimate part of your reality, and yet consciously you are not as familiar with it as you are with the rug upon your floor.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
Now through hypnosis it has been ascertained that this dreaming I has memory of its past existence, which is made up of past dreams. You may call this the dreaming personality if you prefer, but it amounts to another self. Now the I who experiences probable events, not chosen for experience in the physical universe, has the same kind of identity and memory as this dream self. There is a constant subconscious interchange of information between these portions of the self.
[... 31 paragraphs ...]
(“A mine.” This is interesting also. Speaking this word, Jane said, she had an impression of being underground, while not being specifically in a location such as a coal mine for instance. She was aware of sides of rocky earth, with the rocks visible. The sides were rather close together. Consciously of course Jane knows Ezra Havens is dead and buried. But while giving the data she had no impressions of Ezra. Looking back, she thinks she might have been trying to get at the impression of a grave while skirting around it. She remembers that she was going to elaborate on the mine impression by using the word underground; but instead of doing so she went on to the next impression.
[... 45 paragraphs ...]