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TES5 Session 230 February 6, 1966 10/20 (50%) grandfather Lepanto death Gallaghers age
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 230 February 6, 1966 Approximately 10:00 PM Sunday Unscheduled

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(No session was planned. The conversation among the four of us touched upon many things, including the news Jane received from her publisher that her ESP book is set for publication on May 16,1966. During the evening we played some tapes also, and among these was one of the recordings Jane made of G. K. Chesterton’s poem Lepanto; Jane was in a trance state while reading this, apparently in a close approximation of the voice of her now dead friend, Father Trainor. Lepanto was Father Trainor’s favorite poem. Jane has experienced this same phenomenon several times while reading this work, and it is dealt with in the 131st and 158th sessions.

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(This led rather naturally into a discussion of ages. Seth then told Bill he saw him living until around 85, with Peggy equally old. Seth then told me I would live to be 87. This is the first time he has given me any specific age, although in several previous sessions, among them the 149th and the 217th, he has mentioned my living to an old age. In the 105th session, among others, he stated that Jane’s death was not “to occur for many years.” In our immediately past lives, spent mainly in Boston in pre-Civil War days, Jane lived to be 82 or 83 as a woman medium, and I lived to be 63 as an Episcopalian minister. We have received a limited amount of data on the Boston lives, and are not sure of our personal relationship, except that we were not man and wife. See Volume 4, for example.

(Tonight, Jane then went on to foresee her own death at 67. This naturally surprised us. Seth prefaced this by saying something about “I see a breathing difficulty.” He went on to say that Ruburt was upset at this information, and that her relatively early death simply meant she had to work harder in this life. According to Seth this is the last physical life for Jane and me. Seth said he was having trouble getting this information through.

(The Gallaghers left shortly after this. Jane was upset, so upset that at first she couldn’t let Seth through, even though she wanted to. I urged her to sit quietly, smoke a cigarette, and relax. In view of earlier material I remembered, I thought the 67th- year information was a distortion, and that such a distortion was natural enough when one talked about one’s own passing. I also thought that all such predictions, whether favorable or not, depended upon probabilities, in line with the latest material we have been getting. I should add here that the 105th session dealt with the death of Jane’s mother, as well as Jane living to an advanced age. The mother’s death has not yet occurred, Seth saying that the information was by way of allowing Jane to prepareherself for the shock of her mother’s death. The subject had been brought up by severalvivid dreams and psychological time experiences Jane had had concerning her mother. While giving this 105th session, Seth had also had trouble getting the information through, ascribing the difficulty to Jane’s ego. See Volume 3.

(Within perhaps fifteen minutes after the Gallaghers left, Seth did come through. He proceeded to explain that Jane had indeed distorted her personal information. Subconsciously, Seth said, Jane was aware that the death of her grandfather, whom she had loved, was early next month, March. The grandfather had died of tuberculosis, hence Jane producing a distorted reference to a “breathing difficulty.” The grandfather had also died at the age of 67. Jane did not know this offhand consciously, Seth said, but had the records to prove it, and subconsciously was well aware of it.

(Jane has in her files a family record book going back to the mid 1800’s. Consulting this after the session we found that Seth was correct, that her grandfather had been 67 when he died March 12,1948. Jane was extremely attached to her grandfather; she grew up without a father since her parents separated when she was three years old, and her grandfather did his best to fill in the gap. Seth said the anniversary of his death has been on her mind. Seth dealt with the grandfather rather extensively in the 14th session. This material was the longest at the time, dealing with another personality in such a manner. See Volume 1.

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(Seth went on to give us some information that I for one found surprising. After saying that Jane would live into her eighties also, he said that we would be instrumental in offering conclusive evidence for the survival of the personality after physical death. Without naming names, he told me that the one of us dying first would succeed in communicating with the surviving partner in such a way that the results would give conclusive proof “to the masses.”

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(Experiments would be set up in advance of the death of either Jane or I, Seth said, that would furnish this convincing proof once one of us died. I am nine years older than Jane. Seth went on to say that once this proof was made known and accepted, it would change the behavior of every man on earth, for man would have to live his physical life in the face of knowledge of an afterlife.

(This brought the session to a close, somewhere around 11:30 PM, I would estimate. Jane’s eyes had remained closed while the Gallaghers were present. After their departure and when Seth resumed, they began to open occasionally. Her voice remained at an average level, nor was her delivery out of the ordinary.

(Before the session, Bill G. told Jane he thought she possessed healing ability—to her surprise. During the session I believe Seth agreed.

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