1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:230 AND stemmed:close)
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(No session was planned. The conversation among the four of us touched upon many things, including the news Jane received from her publisher that her ESP book is set for publication on May 16,1966. During the evening we played some tapes also, and among these was one of the recordings Jane made of G. K. Chesterton’s poem Lepanto; Jane was in a trance state while reading this, apparently in a close approximation of the voice of her now dead friend, Father Trainor. Lepanto was Father Trainor’s favorite poem. Jane has experienced this same phenomenon several times while reading this work, and it is dealt with in the 131st and 158th sessions.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
(I tried to question him closely about this and remember what I could. By masses, Seth said he meant the man in the street. I said I though much evidence had been collected already, and that more was certain to be gathered before our deaths forty or so years from now, granting his dates were correct. Seth agreed, but said the evidence might convince scientists and investigators long before it convinced the average man, who knows little about such things now.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(This brought the session to a close, somewhere around 11:30 PM, I would estimate. Jane’s eyes had remained closed while the Gallaghers were present. After their departure and when Seth resumed, they began to open occasionally. Her voice remained at an average level, nor was her delivery out of the ordinary.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]