1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:227 AND stemmed:our)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(The session was held in our front room. Jane began speaking while sitting down and with her eyes closed; her eyes then began to open frequently after a few paragraphs of material. Her voice was about average, her pace somewhat slower than usual in the beginning. Her pace picked up considerably however as the delivery progressed, and acquired much emphasis. Jane began speaking at 8:58.)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
I was quite pleased with the amount of quite specific material that I managed to deliver concerning our friend Philip, at our last session.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
The confidence that Ruburt receives in such circumstances is of great help to us all. We shall have a relaxed session this evening. There are several points however that I would like to make. They have to do with our discussion of time in general.
A part of the whole self is quite aware of the probabilities. Now. This is a portion of the self that exists as a perceiving participator, in the dimension which we discussed in our last session. This is fairly difficult material, and so I am giving it to you carefully.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Our cat, Willy, had jumped up into Jane’s lap. As cats will, he began to knead her legs with his forefeet. Jane’s eyes did not open up but her delivery became spasmodic. As I got up she lifted Willy herself and dropped him to the floor.
(This is the first time in many sessions that Willy has paid any attention to Jane during a session. In the early sessions he exhibited some drastic behavior at Seth’s presence and/or arrival. At times he would attempt to entangle himself in Jane’s legs as she paced about the room while speaking for Seth. At other times he seemed to exhibit plain panic, running to hide just before session time. Seth told us this was because the cat’s very acute senses detected his arrival on our plane. Willy, he said, would get used to his presence eventually and show no reaction; this has been the case now for well over a year.)
Now this event X is only one of a literally numberless amount of probable events which the conscious self could experience. For its purposes however the conscious self chooses this particular event X. But again, this event X, until the conscious self experiences it, is only one of many other probable events, different in no basic manner from the others. It becomes real, actual and different from those other probable events, only when it is experienced by our conscious self, or by this conscious self.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
This event X becomes real then, in your terms, only when it is experienced or perceived by our conscious self. What about all of these other probable events, however? The only difference between them and event X is that event X was perceived and experienced by our conscious individual. In other words, were it not for this perception of the event X, it would still be as valid, or as invalid, as real or as unreal, as all the other probable events that were not perceived.
This leads us then to an obvious conclusion: if event X were not perceived it would still be a probability only. By the same token, if our individual chose to perceive and experience, say, event Y, then event Y would be the reality, and event X would still be unreal.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The package of experience that you can focus upon and make sense of, is indeed composed of many small packages, but the whole package of reality is actually much larger than this. There is however a portion of the self that can and does experience events in an entirely different fashion, and this portion of the self goes off on a different tangent. For when our individual perceives event X, this other portion of the self branches off, so to speak, into all the other probable events that could have been just as easily experienced by the ego.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
I suggest a break before our Instream material.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
The spontaneity that allowed him to deviate from his usual schedule is largely responsible for the whole book, for his original intention was merely to write a few humorous verses for out cat lover’s birthday. I will have a little more to say concerning this, perhaps, at our next session.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]