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TES5 Session 223 January 16, 1966 7/21 (33%) teapot Brotzanin Lemons voyages Zanzibar
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 223 January 16, 1966 Approximately 10 PM Sunday Unscheduled

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(Bill and Peggy Gallagher visited us this evening, and Seth held a rather short unscheduled session. The Gallaghers sat in on the first part of the session. After they left Seth and I had a discussion of moderate length. I made a few brief notes, not verbatim except for the names, which Seth spelled out.

(After Seth announced his presence Bill said that half an hour previously he had wondered whether Seth might speak. Seth confirmed that at that time he had almost come through, and Jane later told me she had been aware of this, without feeling impelled to have a session.

(The exchange was quite jovial among the group. Seth discussed several psychic experiences Bill had noted recently, saying they involved telepathy and precognition. Seth said that as in the case of John Bradley, Bill should become more and more aware of such experiences, now that he is more familiar with these sessions.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Bill Gallagher doubted that warships were used by merchantmen but Seth told us this was common in those days; all ships had to be armed anyhow as a protection against piracy. The Brotzanin II had not been in very good shape when Seth acquired her. The conversation led to some of the voyages the ship made. Seth quite emphatically reminded us that most of the time he “kept his feet on dry land,” but he did talk about a few voyages he made. He stressed that he was a merchant rather than a sailor.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Bill and I tried to pin down the route of the Brotzanin II, and seemed to get a course that included the Azores as first stop, then around the bottom of Africa at the Cape of Good Hope, up the east coast to Madagascar and Zanzibar. Zanzibar is the source of cloves, I recall from my own reading; Jane said she did not know this. However Seth said the ship did not stop at Zanzibar on all trips.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(In the 221st session Seth suggested we postpone our series of object tests with the Gallaghers. At the same time he described the object the Gallaghers were focusing upon in their home outside of Elmira at session time. Jane learned from Peggy Gallagher later in the week that the object was a miniature teapot. At tonight’s visit I had Bill draw an actual-size version of the teapot for inclusion in the record, and it is found on page 211.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Seth said he was not careful enough in sorting out his own impressions. He picked up accurately enough that the test object could be held in the hand, had a connection with water and an indentation—the opening in the teapot—but erred in the rock or stone terminology, the color and the word nondescript. Bill indicated the color of the teapot in his sketch, saying the object is anything but nondescript. Seth said Ruburt transmitted accurately enough the data he gave. He also said that we would conduct a series of tests with the Gallaghers, involving objects, and that they would be successful.)

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