1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:218 AND stemmed:seri)
[... 18 paragraphs ...]
He can use it, use the knowledge obtained therein, learn from its mistakes, and advance. But this individual as seen by Priestley at this particular point is somewhat limited, still, by this time one. Time one is available to him, though not necessarily as a series of moments, one after another. From this he is free, but he is still somewhat bound by those events, though he may learn from them. According to Priestley, while the individual therefore is free from successive moments, he still does not have easily available, at fingertips so to speak, any information or realizations from time three. I am using Priestley’s terms here.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
It is a mistake to assume that any future or inevitable merging with a life force is ahead of you, in those terms. This is an error that is precisely due to that which Priestley himself abhors: distortions in thought caused by reliance upon the concept of time as a series of moments.
[... 335 paragraphs ...]
(Peggy said that at the seminar many thousands of people were mentioned at different times. She had no idea of the total however, but said the 14,000 figure would not be unreasonable. She thought she might have a total figure in her notes, taken for the series of articles she is to write for the local paper, but a check of the notes yielded no clues here. 14,000 people of course did not attend the seminar.)
[... 55 paragraphs ...]