1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:218 AND stemmed:energi)
[... 42 paragraphs ...]
(We would think in the last paragraph of his delivery above, Seth hinted at the psychic gestalts of which he has spoken very briefly at various times. We gather that he visualizes a chain of such gestalts, with each link one of greater complexity. He has called them “great building blocks of energy.”
[... 69 paragraphs ...]
(Seth began explaining his source and the source of this material in the very early sessions. In the 15th session for example he likened his state to the dream state of a physical individual. By the 24th session he was dealing with the problems involved in communicating with us. By the 63rd session he was explaining his state as energy not materialized into mass; this after telling us in the 54th session that Jane, Seth and I had been part of the same entity once; he could not tell us this earlier, he said, because Jane and I would have immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was part of Jane’s subconscious mind.
(In the 45th session Seth said a little to the effect that I assisted her in drawing upon the energy necessary for these communications. In the 88th and 152nd sessions Seth went into Jane’s third undifferentiated layer to some extent, then elaborated a little more on the relationship between us in the 157th session.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(In the 44th session, Seth began a list of qualities and attributes which are included in the spacious present. To date there are eleven of these: Value climate of psychological reality; energy transformation; spontaneity; durability; creation; consciousness; capacity for infinite mobility; law of infinite changeability and transmutation; cooperation; arrival and departure, meaning physical birth and death; and quality depth, the perspective in which an idea can expand, replacing our time and space.)
[... 304 paragraphs ...]