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TES5 Session 218 December 15, 1965 33/427 (8%) Priestley Peggy Dunne San seminar
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 218 December 15, 1965 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 68 paragraphs ...]

(Jane said she was sure “Something square” referred to the dimensions of the test envelope when it was folded, although it does not measure out as a perfect square. The “connection with four other people” works out well, since the letter concerns a situation involving both my parents, my brother Loren and my brother Bill, other than Jane and me.

[... 59 paragraphs ...]

(While Bill and Peggy Gallagher were on vacation in Puerto Rico last October, Seth gave impressions concerning them in the following sessions: the 199th for October 18; the 200th for October 20; and the 201st for October 25. No correspondence, phone calls, etc., were exchanged between the four of us during this time.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Seth’s statements are presented in full from each session, with the comments from Peggy and Bill just below each statement in italic type. The Gallaghers agreed on each answer, concerning the Puerto Rico material. They arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Sunday, October 17. We begin with Seth’s material on them from the 199th session for October 18,1965, at 9 PM.)

[... 46 paragraphs ...]

(From the 200th session, Wednesday, October 20,1965, at 9 PM. As usual Seth’s impressions are in regular type, the written comments of Bill and Peggy Gallagher in italics below.)

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

(See the notes on page 13 of the 200th session. Peggy’s sister was married on Saturday, October 16; the bride and groom left immediately for Puerto Rico on their honeymoon. Peggy and Bill left for Puerto Rico on vacation on Sunday, October 17. Jane and I were told that the two couples had no plans to meet in Puerto Rico, oddly enough; we recall Peggy saying for instance that she would not want to honeymoon with relatives close by. But these plans were obviously changed, the two couples soon meeting in San Juan.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(“Yes to both. Bill clearly remembers a white man, at least 60 years old by his estimate, who stood next to him at the roulette table at the casino. Bill noticed that the man wore three rings on his fingers; he thought this quite unusual.”)

[... 25 paragraphs ...]

(“Yes. Bill’s ulcer did bother him then.”

(Bill told us his ulcer bothered him somewhat more than usual during his vacation. He said that usually he has complete freedom from pain on such junkets.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(“On the plane on Tuesday, October 26, I read during the trip. Bill spent his time studying people.”)

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

(Bill Gallagher had a narrow escape from drowning while skin diving in Puerto Rico. He hardly lists this as a bizarre experience. Seth deals with it to some degree in the unscheduled 203rd session of October 28,1965.

(Bill did have one experience in Puerto Rico, however, that he said might be called bizarre. He is quite sure he hasn’t had any other experience like it, and believes that if he hadn’t been somewhat familiar with these sessions that this one too would have escaped his notice; that is, he would not have followed it through.

(The experience did not take place at five o’clock, but later one evening while Bill and Peggy were in a restaurant in San Juan. As an entertainer the restaurant had a white Puerto Rican female pianist. During a break she stood next to Bill at the bar. Bill then had the strange feeling that she would at once go back to her piano, on a raised platform, and begin to play. She did so. Bill then proceeded to name, in the correct order, the first three numbers the pianist would play. He has no idea as to how he was able to do this, or why he felt impelled to. After his first three correct calls he felt the ability wane, and began to make errors.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane also tried psychological time experiments while the Gallaghers were in Puerto Rico. During these she lay quietly on the bed with her eyes closed and tried to contact Peggy and Bill either by acting as a receiver of data, or projecting her astral body to their location. All of the experiments took place in the late morning hours, usually lasting about half an hour. Jane tried five times, from Monday, October 18, to Friday, October 22,1965.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Note by R.F.B.: After Peggy and Bill left for Puerto Rico, I quizzed Jane to see how much geographical knowledge she had of the island. It developed that she had but the most general idea, to the effect that it lay south of Florida in the Caribbean. She did not know the name San Juan, for instance; nor had the Gallaghers told her, since we asked them to tell us nothing about their projected trip as soon as it was mentioned.)

Bill wears olive trunks.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Charlie. Or someone calls Bill, Charlie?

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I see someone male: Bill? Diving, or at least underwater. Flippers, don’t recall a tank, seems he has a mask though.

(“Yes. Bill went swimming. Also snorkeling, with the face mask but no tank.”

(The snorkeling device enables the diver to breath through a tube to the surface while remaining underwater. Bill said the boat reference above, reminds him of the peculiar look thinks appear to have on the surface of the water when seen from below. Several times while snorkeling he was close to coral cliffs or outcroppings rising above him. Surf breaking over his head appeared to have a “white sideways movement.” It had a more or less solid look, like the white ceiling of a room.)

Peg on shore dries her hair with a white towel. It’s wet. Did Bill splash her?

([Peg:] “I had a white towel, but used it to sit on sand. Bill didn’t splash me.”)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“Bill has a definite general association here, but can’t recall any details.”

(Later Bill told us the skull association may be linked to the skeletons of fish he saw on the ocean bottom while skin diving; but he is not at all sure.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(October 20, 11:30 AM to Noon: Jane tried unsuccessfully to speak to Bill Gallagher. She had a quick clear image of a high sandhill leading down to a beach. The Gallaghers said this is quite possible, but of course could say little else about such a general impression.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(The Gallaghers brought back with them a map of Puerto Rico, including a street map of San Juan. It is interesting to note that the U.S. Naval Reservation of San Geronimo lies across a couple of hundred yards of open water from the spot where Bill Gallagher went swimming and skin diving.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Doors opened off the long narrow porch which extended full length, and I wondered if Bill and Peg were staying here. I thought their room might have the door near the center of the porch.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I had an impression of Peg sitting by the pool, with Bill in it. I kept telling them I was standing nearby, just in case they could see anything of me. I still knew I was lying on the bed however, while I tried to project myself to their location.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

({Peggy:] “Yes. Bill watched such a man from just outside the guest house. He was colored. Bill watched this man each morning; he noticed the man because he wore a suit and hat as though for business, instead of the usual tourist attire. He carried a black briefcase. The large bulky building was a post office.”

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(The map of Puerto Rico, brought back by Bill Gallagher, contains a street map of San Juan and other large cities together with an index of street names. A quick study for names similar to those given phonetically by Seth/Jane during the experiments has yielded no results, with the exception of the apparent similarity between San Geronimo and Jane’s psy-time impressions of San Quanamo and San Guatamalo. Any other similarities discovered later will be added to the record.

[... 36 paragraphs ...]

(Yes, most definitely. This evening, Monday, December 6, Bill Gallagher’s ulcer bothered him to such an extent that he called a doctor. This he seldom has to do.

(Tests resulting from this upset led to the medical opinion that Bill has two ulcers. However a recheck of old X-rays seems to show that the second ulcer had previously existed, but had not been detected. Needless to say, neither Jane nor I had seen Bill, or heard from him, since the unscheduled session of last Friday, December 3. We saw him later in the evening of December 10, after the interview with Peggy.)

[... 38 paragraphs ...]

(Arriving later in the evening, Bill Gallagher told us that the taxicabs of the predominant cab company in Washington are painted white. They carry a symbol on their front doors that is semicircular in shape, the design being based on the Capitol Dome. The symbol is of course in dark color against the white background.)

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(At first Peggy saw no connection here. Then she remembered that when she arrived in Newark, NJ from Elmira, she transferred to Kennedy Airport on Long Island by helicopter. During the trip, at an altitude of no more than 600 feet, she thus flew over many of the docks, piers and shipyards lining the Brooklyn waterfront. She thought at the time that Bill would have enjoyed the sight, since he likes ships. The helicopter flight traveled past the Statue of Liberty.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

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