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TES5 Session 218 December 15, 1965 4/427 (1%) Priestley Peggy Dunne San seminar
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 218 December 15, 1965 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 43 paragraphs ...]

(It was now time for the 26th Dr. Instream test. As usual Jane spoke while sitting down, with her head tipped down and her hands raised to her closed eyes. Her pace now slowed somewhat, and her voice was quiet. Resume at 10:06.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I pick up the initials R. B.. The letter concerns a particular event, a meeting which has not yet occurred, and it concerns another person also, beside the person who wrote the letter, and beside Dr. Instream. That is, another person in particular, though more may be involved in the event when it occurs. (Pause.)

[... 203 paragraphs ...]

(The Gallaghers believe that the following impression, given by Seth in the same session as applying to Dr. Instream, applies instead to them. Jane gave the data after the break which had presumably ended the Gallagher test:)

[... 123 paragraphs ...]

(Jane took a break at this point, seemingly ending the Gallagher test before she went into the Dr. Instream test. However, Peggy said the first paragraph of the Insteam material applied to her Washington trip:)

[... 50 paragraphs ...]

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