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TES5 Session 217 December 13, 1965 30/100 (30%) flame candle height test inches
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 217 December 13, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(In the unscheduled 203rd session of October 28, with the Gallaghers as witnesses, Seth gave some information having to do with the Incas reaching Florida and building small settlements. Whether this is established historically Jane and I do not know. We would merely like to note here the appearance of an article in the New York Times for December 5,1965. This had to do with a team of anthropologists launching a four-year study to assess the culture of a wandering tribe of Indians in South Florida. The Indians came from Central or South America. Some remains have been found. The article did not say these Indians were Inca. Interestingly enough, one of the three anthropologists heading the expedition is Dr. John M. Lonyear 3d, of Colgate. Serious digging begins next month.

(The 22nd envelope test was held this evening. The test object was a ball-point pen drawing of a dog; my four-year-old nephew made it while my brother Bill’s family and Jane and I visited my parents last Sunday. I thought David’s drawing good for one his age, and added notes of my own. I intended to file it for the future, but today decided it would make a good test subject. Jane had not seen it. The drawing is on paper the weight of this page. A drawing on the back doesn’t apply here. I sealed it in the usual double envelopes, between two pieces of Bristol.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Once again, as described in the 215th session, a candle was lighted just before the session began. As before, it was sheltered from Jane’s vision. The room was well lighted. As soon as I lit the candle the flame soared up to a height that was easily two inches, and remained there without interruption for about twenty minutes. This was twice as high as in the 215th session. The same candle was used. Jane knew it was lit of course but we did not talk about it, and she did not see the flame until first break. I could not account for the extraordinary height of the flame. There were no drafts; the session was held in our small back room, and the windows were closed.

(Jane began speaking while sitting down, at an average pace and in an average voice; her pace soon began to speed up. As in the 213th session, her eyes opened as soon as she began speaking, which is quite unusual. Jane’s eyes continued to open and close while she spoke.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Jane and I went dancing with Bill and his girlfriend, whom we had not met before, two weekends ago. Bill appeared to be much smitten, and during the evening paid little attention to us, much to our amusement. This evening he surprised Jane and me by telling us he was not seeing the girl anymore. Jane and I said nothing to him about his girl; we liked her very much. She is quite young. Bill is 27.)

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:30. Jane was dissociated as usual for a first delivery. Her eyes had frequently opened to some extent, though not fully; they had been very dark. Her pace had been quite fast.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Shortly after Jane began speaking again the candle flame climbed back up to a two-inch height. Her eyes were now closed, her pace once again good. Resume at 9:40.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(Since I am nine years older than Bill, it appears that we will both be quite ancient at death. I do not believe that Jane would have allowed such data to come through too many sessions ago, although she did permit Seth to say quite a while ago that she herself would live to old age. That data was also connected to dream analysis and reincarnation.

(Seth was giving general reincarnational data on my family and on Jane’s as early as the 9th session, while avoiding such things as times of death, etc. Actually the concept of reincarnation made its appearance in the first session. Seth began to be more specific on family reincarnational data when he told Jane and me in a very early session that neither of us would be born again on the physical plane; this, he said, accounted for our lack of children and the desire for them. Seth explained that both of us had been parents before, experiencing both the male and female roles. We have a little material on this; we always are intending to ask for more but somehow don’t seem to get around to it. See Volume 1.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s eyes had again been opening and closing rather often. The candle flame, now, attained its highest point of the evening; it was well over an estimated two inches in height, rising up to such a height that a thin trail of black smoke escaped from it. Since the windows were still closed and there were no drafts, I could not account for the flame’s height. The candle is a large one, with a diameter of at least two inches and with very little taper. As before it sat out of the reach of Jane’s breath, and although it was closer to me I took care to keep my head averted so that my own breath could not influence it. Perhaps temperature changes within the candle could influence it after it has burned for a while, although it felt no warmer to me.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:59. Jane had been dissociated as usual. Her eyes had opened and closed quite often, and she had smoked a cigarette. Her pace had been fast.

(The candle flame maintained its unusual height until break, then it began to subside somewhat, and continued to do so through the Dr. Instream material to follow. However it did not reach its earlier 3/4-inch low point. Jane said she had been aware of no feeling of energy thrusting sideways out of her toward the candle, as she had been in the 215th session. This is the 25th Dr. Instream test.

(As usual now Jane’s pace slowed up, though not to a great degree. She sat with her eyes closed, her face tipped down to meet the ashtray beside her. Resume at 10:07.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(This is the first time I can recall where Jane herself interrupted such test data in this manner. She did not appear to be distracted, however, or to break off in the middle of a piece of information. I put out the cigarette; its smoke had been drifting toward her.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(J. B. R. of course being Dr. Rhine’s initials. And J. R. B. can be the initials of Jane Roberts Butts. Dr. Rhine is also a parapsychologist.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(It was 10:15, and time for our 22nd envelope test. Jane took the sealed double envelope from me without opening her eyes. Now she did something new for her in these tests. For several seconds she held the envelope directly against her forehead. Her eyes remained closed. Then she lowered the envelope to her lap.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:22. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed, her pace had been fairly good. She said that nothing she said in either test made particular sense to her.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane said she received a few visual images during the envelope test, but that they were not sensational by any means. They will be mentioned below.

(See the tracing of the test object on page 131. During last Sunday there was a family gathering at my parents’ home in nearby Sayre, PA. There were twelve people in all: My parents, Jane and I, my brother Loren, his wife and son, and my brother Bill and his wife, and their two daughters and one son. Bill’s son is named David, he is four years old, and it is he who drew the test object, with a black ball-point pen on white paper.

(As Seth explains on page 134 of this session, some of the test data tonight represents preliminary connections with the test object, just as in the last envelope test with the drawing made by Roy Fox. Thus Jane’s personal associations are now often connected with the test object, and she is working with Seth and not against him.

(Jane said that Seth’s count of 1, 2, 3 was his way—or Jane’s?—of leading up to the number 4 that I wrote on the drawing, referring to David’s age. “A room” is too general. Also “Round shapes”; although there are round shapes on the drawing. “The number 12” can apply easily enough. Not only is the month of the test the twelfth month, but there were twelve people present in Sayre the day the test object was drawn. And again, the test object was drawn on December 12th, and so dated by me.

(At first Jane and I thought that the out of town location applied to our going to Sayre yesterday. Then we saw that it referred to a visit Jane and I made to visit Bill in Rochester last summer, for here “summer scene, and water” enters in. We went swimming with Bill and his family in Lake Ontario. We recall this especially because the usual beaches at Rochester were polluted by hordes of dead fish; we had to drive some distance to find a suitable swimming spot.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(6 as in 6 o’clock is not specific enough for easy conscious connection. “A letter or note” can refer to the notes for reference I made on David’s drawing. “The color yellow” we think is a strong connection to the drawing of the dog; Dick recently obtained a puppy for his children, and when Jane and I asked David to describe the dog he called it orange at first, then yellow.

(“Light tissue paper” may be nebulous. Jane and I gave the children their Christmas presents Sunday, and rather than wait for Christmas they opened the gifts then. They were wrapped in regular Christmas paper; if this is called tissue It can be a connection. The test object was drawn in 1965 of course, not 1963. The thought here is that calligraphically the numerals 3 and 5 are quite similar.

(Finally, “Something missing, and someone who could not come,” is also interesting. As soon as the test was over, and I believe before she knew what the test object was, Jane told me that she believed “Something” and “someone” referred to the same thing. Only one member of the family was missing at the gathering Sunday, and this was my brother Loren’s daughter Linda, who was at work in Scranton, PA. It was too far away for her to make the trip up to Sayre, and back, in one day.

(Jane also said that Seth was going to say something about lettering on the test object, but she did not give voice to it. I had made notes on it.

(The candle flame was still down when Jane resumed, with her eyes closed, at 10:30.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s eyes were still closed, and the flame was still up.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:33. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed. She now told me that once again she had felt the peculiar sideways thrust, as of energy, directed toward the candle to her right. See page 124 of the 215th session for the first instance of this effect.

(Jane now relaxed on the bed. Peculiarly now, we saw the candle flame shoot up to equal its previous high, well over two inches. A delayed reaction? Jane now felt no energy thrust.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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