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TES5 Session 217 December 13, 1965 1/100 (1%) flame candle height test inches
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 217 December 13, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 38 paragraphs ...]

(Seth was giving general reincarnational data on my family and on Jane’s as early as the 9th session, while avoiding such things as times of death, etc. Actually the concept of reincarnation made its appearance in the first session. Seth began to be more specific on family reincarnational data when he told Jane and me in a very early session that neither of us would be born again on the physical plane; this, he said, accounted for our lack of children and the desire for them. Seth explained that both of us had been parents before, experiencing both the male and female roles. We have a little material on this; we always are intending to ask for more but somehow don’t seem to get around to it. See Volume 1.)

[... 60 paragraphs ...]

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