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TES5 Session 208 November 15, 1965 16/76 (21%) primary secondary clock gravity conditions
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 208 November 15, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The session was held in our back room. Jane spoke while sitting down, and at a rapid rate for the most part. She smoked throughout the session, and her eyes were open most of the time; indeed they opened wide before she had spoken for more than a few minutes. Her voice was average.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(See the 190th session in Volume 4 for notes on this. This psychological-time experience of Jane’s also involved John Bradley.)

It was easier for me to make certain realignments and adjustments of a necessary nature. The other point that I wanted to make was that while your physical time, or clock time, has no overall basic reality, and is not a primary reality, that runs through various fields or systems, it is nevertheless an electromagnetic reality within your own system, for you have created it on mental terms.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I have been leading up to this point in my own way, for the dream experiments that we plan will enable you to accumulate in time a list of primaries. I want you however to come across this knowledge on your own, through these experiments, for you will learn more that way.

If ever in a dream experience you defy gravity, then gravity is not a primary reality, but only a manifestation within your own physical system. If clock time is escaped within the dream state, then clock time is not a primary. What you cannot escape within any range of consciousness, can be called a Primary Condition, and you may capitalize the term.

Incidentally, if it is not now known by your scientists, it will be shortly discovered that the physical organism does not age in sleep at the same rate at which it ages in the waking state. Aging, therefore, is not a primary. Again, this does not mean that secondary conditions such as aging and gravity and clock time, do not have effects within your system, obviously. It is only that these must be recognized as secondary conditions that do not therefore basically (underlined) affect the inner self, which is to a large degree independent of your system.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

He will be at all times a prisoner of clock time and of aging, for he will consider these the primary conditions under which he must operate. And the action, or actions involved in this belief will therefore act upon the physical cells of his body with vengeful force, because he has himself directed them to do so.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Both of you have been concerned with these questions, and they should be discussed. I would not like the matter of the sessions in general, and the subconscious influence question, to go by the board, and in one way or another we must find time for those matters.

I could have spoken at any time on the question of spontaneity and discipline. It may appear that Ruburt is too easy or too willing to hold sessions. However his ego is very well in control, so well in control that on occasion when I would have spoken on these very matters, I have not been allowed to do so. Of course I realize the time limitations, and others.

One small point: I have never manipulated his subconscious, in any manner. And both of you called me the evening of our last unscheduled session. We will devote some time to this whole matter.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The unscheduled session Seth referred to above is the one held on Friday, November 5, for our four young friends. See the notes about it on page 57. Consciously I had not wanted to have the session, since I thought our guests hadn’t had enough time to study related material.

(Jane resumed in a little slower manner. Her eyes were open part of the time, her voice quieter. Resume at 9:41.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Again, none of these issues are clear-cut, and the distinctions, many of them, are for simplicity’s sake. Many primaries will show secondary characteristics. For example, within your clock time there are definite primary characteristics of time as it exists in a primary condition.

Once more, even the word time is misleading, but within the boundaries of your clock reality every individual feels at times—but you see that the use of the word itself binds us—but every individual feels now and then the primary sense of existence that is not arbitrarily divided into moments and hours; and he therefore escapes from a secondary condition into the realization of a primary reality behind it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I believe that it is close to our appointment time. I will allow you a brief break.

(Break at 9:59. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained open much of the time, although her delivery had been slower. She had still been quite emphatic in speaking. She said she had not been conscious of anything else while speaking; that is, Jane heard no other noises, etc.

[... 25 paragraphs ...]

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