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TES5 Session 204 November 1, 1965 48/200 (24%) John Driscoll Dudley Elms companion
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 204 November 1, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The session was witnessed by John Bradley. John is from Williamsport, PA; he is a salesman for Searle Drug and has witnessed quiet a few sessions. He has also been the subject of some of Seth’s material. Jane, incidentally, felt strongly that John would witness the session, so she was not surprised when he visited us unannounced at 8:30 PM. John told us he could stay only until 10 PM. In the meantime he had a little story to tell us.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(See also page 11 of the 200th session for notes on the clairvoyant/telepathic experiment, involving John, that Jane conducted successfully the last time he was in this territory. This concerned John’s business trip to Binghamton, NY. Jane wrote down 13 impressions; and John later confirmed 10 of them.

(The session was held in our front room, and was free of interruptions or distractions. It was obvious that Jane was in a good mood before the session, and Seth reflected this. Jane began speaking while sitting down and with her eyes closed; her pace was quite fast, her voice definitely stronger and more active than usual. She began speaking actually at 8:58.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(This is the Binghamton meeting referred to here. John attended it on Tuesday, October 19, and it was while he was engaged in this endeavor that Jane tuned in on his activities. John clashed with his superior at the meeting, and because of his outspoken actions had no thought of getting a raise.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane was in a good mood and speaking rapidly for Seth. I had been writing practically at top speed since the session began. At break John confirmed that he had made a remark of dissatisfaction to the meeting at large. It concerned expense-account allowances for gas and oil, and John’s superior took this as aimed at him personally; the two men clashed on the floor, verbally.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Again, see the 199th session, in which Seth’s information on drug companies in Minneapolis is confirmed by John. John now laughed at Seth/Jane’s amusing reference to an affair.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now took a pause that lasted a minute. She sat quite still, her eyes closed, her head down.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:15. Jane reported that she had been dissociated as usual for a first break. Her eyes had remained closed. Her voice had been stronger than usual, the pace indeed fast.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(John now delighted Jane by telling her that the figure 30 is the correct one, exactly, concerning his raise—thirty dollars a month.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Before the session Jane and I asked John if he would cooperate in some telepathic/clairvoyant experiments like those involving the Gallaghers recently. John would make a good subject, we thought, because he lives some distance away and Seth could tune in practically whenever he pleased.

(Jane resumed in the same good voice, with her eyes closed and at a little slower pace, at 9:25. She spoke to John.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now took a long pause, sitting quietly with her eyes closed. Her pace was now, again, quite fast.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Jane’s voice boomed out briefly.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Seth/Jane, smiling, eyes closed:)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:43. Jane was dissociated as usual, she said. Her eyes had remained closed as far as I had noticed. Her voice had been good, her pace very fast toward the end of the delivery.

(John had to leave to make a telephone call regarding business. He had decided to see if he could postpone his business appointment until tomorrow. Before he left however, he described to Jane and me a plan that he had broached to his brothers and sisters, concerning the care of his invalid mother in Philadelphia. John said this could be the family situation that is developing, and that Seth referred to.

(I might mention here a situation that John, Jane and I, and Bill Gallagher have long been aware of. This is the fact that John, Jane and Bill all have mothers who were, or are, bedridden with arthritis. Bill’s mother has died. Quite a while ago Seth remarked that this fact is one of the reasons John and Bill were drawn to the sessions; but he has not elaborated.

(John was still talking when Jane spoke up as Seth abruptly at 9:55. She was sitting down; she looked directly at John, her eyes wide open and very dark. Her voice was deep.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(John had his hat and coat on, and left at 9:56. Jane said Seth was extremely well tuned in on John tonight; she hoped that he would be able to return this evening while things were going so well. Jane also said she felt that Seth had more information on John’s mother, but that she had blocked it.

(John hadn’t mentioned the episode about hearing the voice in the bar to us previously, and at break Jane and I asked him to say no more about it to us; we hoped to see if Seth could say more about the circumstances instead, should John make it back to the session.

(John did tell us the event happened about a month ago. This places it in time a couple of weeks before we saw John last time, during the Binghamton meeting affair. But then John hadn’t witnessed a session, and the voice episode had slipped his mind, two weeks ago. John heard the voice in a dancing establishment called The Elms, in Elmira Heights, which is a small town adjacent to Elmira. Jane and I have been there once, many months ago.

(As far as we know, this is the first overt experience we have encountered where Seth has spoken to another party while separated, in our time and distance, from Jane. It raises many questions if it is a legitimate experience; if legitimate, it would seem to be a most significant development. We are well aware that it could be said Seth was merely taking credit for another person’s psychic experience.

(If genuine, does this experience imply an expansion of Jane’s abilities, along with Seth’s, or does it merely mean that once others accept the possibility of psychic expansion, they too become receivers? This would imply the separate existence of Seth; he has claimed all along to be an “energy personality essence.”

(This thought comes to me: Quite a few sessions ago Seth remarked that an event would occur which would bind John, Jane and I together. I searched briefly for the remark but did not locate it.

(It was now time for the 13th Dr. Instream clairvoyant test. Jane resumed speaking with her eyes closed and while sitting down. Her voice was good; her pace was much faster while giving this material than in any of the previous sessions. She used but a very few brief pauses. Resume at 10:01.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had been speaking as rapidly as I could write. She still sat with her eyes closed, her hands raised to her face. Her voice was average in volume.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:12. Jane reported that she was very well dissociated—far-out, as she puts it. Her eyes had remained closed. She was aware that she had given much material on Dr. Instream, comparatively speaking, in a short time.

(As break arrived we heard John Bradley returning up the stairs. He had succeeded in postponing his business appointment until tomorrow. We asked him to say no more about his voice experience yet, to see what else Seth could pick up on it. Instead the conversation turned to the fact that last week Jane was offered a part- time job as a dancer in a local supper club. Both of us like to dance, and Jane is an expert dancer. Now during break we amused ourselves discussing some of the humorous aspects of such a potential situation.

(Jane resumed at a good pace, her voice average, her eyes closed, at 10:26.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now took a pause that lasted at least one minute.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The Green Pastures is the name of another bar in town. Jane and I have been there a few times, but not recently. As stated earlier, Jane and I visited The Elms, the scene of John’s adventure, once some months ago. We did not enter the bar however, but stayed in the dancing room of the establishment; thus we have no knowledge of the bar, what decorations it might have had, etc.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Once again Seth was racing along, as far as my writing speed was concerned. Jane’s eyes had, I believe, opened briefly a few times; her face was turning more toward John much of the time here. She gave no notice that she heard me.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:43. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had been closed for the most part, her voice had been good, her pace fast.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(John was now considering trying to locate the woman, to check up on Seth. He was joking, yet perhaps serious also. He was curious however, and was talking about whether he should really make the attempt when Jane resumed in a good voice, and with her eyes closed at 10:50.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused.)

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 11:07. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed for the most part. Her voice had been good, her pace quite fast. Surprisingly enough, in spite of all my writing my hand felt little fatigue.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The Elms is actually in Elmira Heights, which is like a suburb of Elmira to the northeast. We were discussing Seth’s location of the woman’s house as he gave it on page 47, when Jane came through as Seth, briefly at 11:18.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane resumed, with her eyes shut and in a good voice, at 11:22.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Both John and I had been watching Jane as usual as she spoke; neither of us observed any unusual feature changes in her throughout the session.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(John told us later that the male companion with the woman was a car salesman; hence Jane’s possible associative connection with mechanics. Still, as said before, we do not know for sure whether the woman’s male companion of that evening is the male referred to by Seth.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

I think of a game like hockey, though I do not precisely see how hockey could be involved. Perhaps it is golf, then, with an instrument of this sort. (Jane, her eyes closed, gestured as though stroking or swinging, her arms stiff.) If so however there is a connection, perhaps in younger years, with skating, as on ice.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 11:39. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had been closed, her voice good, her pace fast. See the Bill Driscoll material on page 41.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(John thinks Mr. Dudley’s sales are on the way up, also, but has seen no actual figures on which to base that estimate specifically. Dudley also sometimes wears glasses. Jane felt Seth had wanted to give this information earlier but that she blocked it.

(Neither John or I observed any feature change in Jane.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane resumed at an average pace, with her eyes open part of the time, at 11:51.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(End at midnight. Jane was dissociated as usual. She said she thought Seth interrupted the material on John’s daughter, which Seth intended as another display of telepathy, because he realized the hour was late and the material too long and involved.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(I was in my studio at the back of our apartment, putting the notes for this session away, when Seth came through again briefly as Jane and John talked in the front room. The exchange was finished by the time I walked back to them. It was to the effect that within three years Jane and I would have our own house.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane and I do not usually use the recorder for sessions because it doubles the time involved in transcribing notes. We realize spontaneity is important, but our time is limited. We have considered holding just one longer session a week, in which the recorder could be used. Jane prefers two sessions a week personally, however, and many sessions ago Seth also said he preferred more than one session a week.)

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