1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:203 AND stemmed:was)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(Some quotes from Seth will be given from tonight’s unscheduled session, since I did make rather thorough notes. They are not all verbatim, however. Jane was in a fine mood, spoke rapidly as Seth for the most part, and I did not try to record each word. Her eyes were open at times, her voice good but not loud except for one or two brief occasions. She smoked while speaking, and for the most part sat or kneeled on the floor before our long coffee table; these are favorite positions of hers, not at all unusual when we have company.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Seth said it was coincidence that the Gallaghers and the woman from Duke were in Puerto Rico at the same time, but not coincidence when they met. There was telepathic exchange between the three of them. Dr. Instream knows Dr. Rhine.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(Seth then launched into a long topic involving Peggy, her job at the newspaper, and another girl there. He stressed many times that the situations he foresaw were not drastic or alarming in any great degree, and that Peg could handle them. This discussion grew out of Seth’s remarks concerning a very close call Bill had while skin diving in Puerto Rico. The remarks Seth made about this were to the effect that had we asked specifically about potential dangers the Gallaghers might encounter on their trip, he could have given warnings. As it was no such requests were made, thus no warnings given before Peg and Bill left.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
I think now of a woman who is eager, who intends you no harm, but who could convince herself that she was not harming you one iota while she stabbed you in the back.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(Whereupon Peggy remarked that she was used to that kind of competition at the newspaper. She has been aware for some time that each new woman reporter seems to regard her, Peg, as competition.)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(The portrait referred to by Seth happened to hang on a wall facing Jane this evening. In the 168th session, Seth stated the painting represented him, but he did not say in which life. The idea “came” to me one day and I painted the portrait without a model. It is quite successful, and depicts an elderly, rotund, bald man standing by a window through which strong light streams. He gestures toward the viewer. As soon as I began work on it last spring, Jane insisted it was of Seth. I did not know who it represented consciously; merely that I had a very clear mental image of a face and figure to paint. The work progressed with considerable ease. See Volume 4.
(During break, Bill Gallagher described his narrow escape from drowning while skin diving in Puerto Rico. Bill is an expert swimmer and diver, but got caught unawares between an incoming and an outgoing tide offshore, in choppy water, and nearly perished. Bill said the panic that seized him was as dangerous, if not more so, than the tides.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
It was Inca, your village... Their main cities were in Peru. They traveled by sea then, but also over the land. Their journeys are responsible for many artifacts that cannot be explained... They reached Florida, but not inland in this country... The seacoasts. They set up small villages for outposts, for inland explorations...
[... 1 paragraph ...]
One of these is in another portion of South America. The place you refer to was just a village base to explore from... They expected other ships from Peru which did not come. They died, and their home city was never aware of their location.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(Seth remarked that our weather neither excited or concerned him, and that personality affects weather. He then threw out the God concept as a question for general discussion. He was greeted with a large silence momentarily. Seth asked for ideas from Bill and Peg; it will be remembered that in past sessions he said he would go into this question when they witnessed sessions.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Bill remarked that in terms of our existence our Christ was a supernatural being.)
Your Christ had abilities which I still do not have... and he did appear in your form, but he was not of your form... Your people saw but a small fragment that they could understand... a fragment that was part of a larger reality they could not understand...
[... 17 paragraphs ...]