1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:203 AND stemmed:our)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Seth/Jane scored many hits in the material dealing with Peg and Bill. Some of these are quite startling. There were misses of course, and statements that hinted at, or came close to, events and thoughts involving our friends. It developed that the notes Peg and Bill kept did not often coincide with Seth’s material.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Some quotes from Seth will be given from tonight’s unscheduled session, since I did make rather thorough notes. They are not all verbatim, however. Jane was in a fine mood, spoke rapidly as Seth for the most part, and I did not try to record each word. Her eyes were open at times, her voice good but not loud except for one or two brief occasions. She smoked while speaking, and for the most part sat or kneeled on the floor before our long coffee table; these are favorite positions of hers, not at all unusual when we have company.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
You must know by now... You are pleased enough with our results so that you both are easier with me now... You are good for Ruburt in our sittings. You are permissive enough so that he doesn’t become wary.
Through the woman at Duke our Jesuit picked up inner information which he has given to Ruburt... Ruburt doesn’t know he has received it... The Jesuit doesn’t know he has given it. The Jesuit... has already given Ruburt information about Dr. Rhine, telepathically; this happened at the time.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
I will let our Ruburt rest, at least for a moment or so. Now and then I do indeed look down at him from my painting. I have at times been more presentable than that. Someday we shall show that face, and this face (Jane pointed to herself) for I am a stubborn gentleman, and in my own time we shall indeed give quite adequate proofs of what I am.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
It is interesting... I am more interested in that you are like Joseph, always trying to lead me on... I am simple and quiet and peace-loving... And I will get to our cat lover yet... We shall dissipate this fear of our feline friends.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(An amusing exchange now developed between Seth and Peg concerning cats. As if to help matters out, our cat got up from his perch on the TV set and jumped down. He walked over to Peg; I picked him up and deposited him in another room. In doing so I missed part of the exchange between Seth, Bill and Peggy, but I heard laughter. I returned to my chair in time to hear the following:)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Seth remarked that our weather neither excited or concerned him, and that personality affects weather. He then threw out the God concept as a question for general discussion. He was greeted with a large silence momentarily. Seth asked for ideas from Bill and Peg; it will be remembered that in past sessions he said he would go into this question when they witnessed sessions.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Bill remarked that in terms of our existence our Christ was a supernatural being.)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
We have discussed this to some degree in our sessions... I speak of psychic gestalts. You see but portions of these pyramids of intelligences... what we are able to see at any one time.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
It will involve an expansion of consciousness, not physical knowledge... You will directly and simply perceive more... I cannot make Ruburt find all the words. Your God is part of a larger reality. We see what we can see... This larger reality is also a part of our dreams: it is more important and vital than breath, for you are all part of this individually. There is a give and take between you and the stars on a physical basis, just as there is also a connection between selves and what you call a god.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Our cat lover is so silent.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]