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TES5 Session 203 October 28, 1965 24/74 (32%) Peg Rhine Rico Puerto Duke
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 203 October 28, 1965 9:40 PM Thursday Unscheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Bill and Peggy Gallagher visited us this evening, and Seth came through later in the evening. Before this however we had the time to go over the three sessions in which Seth dealt with the Gallaghers while they were on vacation in Puerto Rico; these are sessions 199, 200, and 201.

(Seth/Jane scored many hits in the material dealing with Peg and Bill. Some of these are quite startling. There were misses of course, and statements that hinted at, or came close to, events and thoughts involving our friends. It developed that the notes Peg and Bill kept did not often coincide with Seth’s material.

(As Seth stated in the 201st session, Jane’s psychological time experience of October 22, involving the Gallaghers, did prove to be quite legitimate; along with some less striking psy-time events Jane experienced during the week Peg and Bill were in Puerto Rico.

(The session tonight did not dwell on the recent experiments however, although Seth did express himself as pleased because we were pleased. Jane has made copies of the clairvoyant material from the three sessions involving the Gallaghers; they are to write in their account of what actually transpired after each of Seth’s predictions or statements. We will then assemble all of the data into coherent form and include it in an early future session. Jane’s psy-time experiments will also be so treated so that we have a unified body of work covering this experiment. We are most grateful for the wholehearted cooperation of the Gallaghers.

(Some quotes from Seth will be given from tonight’s unscheduled session, since I did make rather thorough notes. They are not all verbatim, however. Jane was in a fine mood, spoke rapidly as Seth for the most part, and I did not try to record each word. Her eyes were open at times, her voice good but not loud except for one or two brief occasions. She smoked while speaking, and for the most part sat or kneeled on the floor before our long coffee table; these are favorite positions of hers, not at all unusual when we have company.

(Seth came through as we were discussing the rather striking fact that while in Puerto Rico the Gallaghers met a woman physiotherapist from Duke University. I do not have her name at the moment. This woman knows Dr. Rhine well. It seems that her department and Dr. Rhine’s are somehow linked at Duke, and that his incoming mail goes through her department. We will obtain more details. The lady told Peg and Bill a good deal about the workings of Dr. Rhine’s department; and how, now that he is past 70, the mandatory college retirement age, arrangements have been made for him to continue his work in parapsychology through a foundation which is apparently connected to or with the college.

(Shortly after the session began Seth told us that we would receive another letter from Dr. Instream “within a few days.” Seth also suggested Jane and I write to Dr. Rhine. The Duke physiotherapist had told Peggy that Dr. Rhine answers each letter he receives personally, “even those from crackpots.”

(Seth said it was coincidence that the Gallaghers and the woman from Duke were in Puerto Rico at the same time, but not coincidence when they met. There was telepathic exchange between the three of them. Dr. Instream knows Dr. Rhine.

(Quotes from Seth that follow, in caps as usual, are not verbatim for the most part, but close approximations. It will be remembered that Seth refers to Bill Gallagher as the Jesuit, and to Peg as the cat lover. Seth now speaks to them:)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt is not aware of the Jesuit’s messages, but Seth is. The Jesuit sent the information he picked up from this woman telepathically, about the character and nature of Dr. Rhine and his foundation.

(Seth told Peg and Bill there is constant communication between them telepathically. He said the four of us would embark “on excellent circumstances” this winter but did not elaborate. Seth told Bill that he took his problems with him on vacation, especially the ulcer, and Bill heartily agreed. Seth then repeated some general suggestions concerning the ulcer, given in earlier sessions. Bill showed us his Japanese “tranquilizer,” a small black wooden carving he had bought in Puerto Rico.

(Seth then launched into a long topic involving Peggy, her job at the newspaper, and another girl there. He stressed many times that the situations he foresaw were not drastic or alarming in any great degree, and that Peg could handle them. This discussion grew out of Seth’s remarks concerning a very close call Bill had while skin diving in Puerto Rico. The remarks Seth made about this were to the effect that had we asked specifically about potential dangers the Gallaghers might encounter on their trip, he could have given warnings. As it was no such requests were made, thus no warnings given before Peg and Bill left.

(Seth now began in some detail on the situation at the local newspaper.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Here Seth referred to the Elmira mayoralty contest. Both Jane and I know Howard Kimball, the Republican candidate. His sister lives in a downstairs apartment. Peg now questioned Seth further about the Chinese girl at the newspaper.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(The portrait referred to by Seth happened to hang on a wall facing Jane this evening. In the 168th session, Seth stated the painting represented him, but he did not say in which life. The idea “came” to me one day and I painted the portrait without a model. It is quite successful, and depicts an elderly, rotund, bald man standing by a window through which strong light streams. He gestures toward the viewer. As soon as I began work on it last spring, Jane insisted it was of Seth. I did not know who it represented consciously; merely that I had a very clear mental image of a face and figure to paint. The work progressed with considerable ease. See Volume 4.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Bill now asked Seth if an Indian village had ever been situated over the spot where he had done most of his skin diving in Puerto Rico. He had heard talk while there that this had been the case perhaps two hundred years ago, before that section of land had settled beneath the water. He thought the village there, if there had been any, would have belonged to the Carib Indians.

(Note that in the unscheduled 192nd session, Seth and Bill also had an interchange concerning underwater artifacts, Indians, Vikings and Jesuits in this section of the northeastern USA. If what Seth said in that session can ever be verified, some history books will have to be rewritten. Again, see Volume 4.

(Jane, as Seth, listened to Bill’s question, then shook her head. Her eyes were closed.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(An amusing exchange now developed between Seth and Peg concerning cats. As if to help matters out, our cat got up from his perch on the TV set and jumped down. He walked over to Peg; I picked him up and deposited him in another room. In doing so I missed part of the exchange between Seth, Bill and Peggy, but I heard laughter. I returned to my chair in time to hear the following:)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Seth remarked that our weather neither excited or concerned him, and that personality affects weather. He then threw out the God concept as a question for general discussion. He was greeted with a large silence momentarily. Seth asked for ideas from Bill and Peg; it will be remembered that in past sessions he said he would go into this question when they witnessed sessions.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(Bill asked Seth what he thought of the direction in which the writings of Father Teilhard de Chardin led, and Seth enthusiastically agreed these writings are valid. Jane, her eyes open, looked at Peggy sitting quietly on the couch.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Peggy asked Seth what religion, in his opinion, came closest to God as defined by Seth.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(In the following passages Seth hit his high point as far as feeling and emphasis are concerned. At times his delivery became passionate. I did not get it all down. Jane spoke from her position on the floor, with her eyes closed, her voice strong but not shouting.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(End at 11:06. Jane had been well dissociated. Her eyes had remained closed during the last part of this delivery; her voice had strengthened considerably and she had become quite impassioned. She said she “gets embarrassed when Seth talks like that.”)

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