1 result for (book:tes5 AND session:201 AND stemmed:one)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Jane has now settled all matters pertaining to her ESP book with her publisher. In the 198th session, Seth said she would receive a letter from her publisher by the next Saturday. Jane did receive a letter then from his secretary, but not a definitive one. It is thus interesting to note that she received the information she wanted by the next Saturday, however; October 22, Friday, to be exact. We have yet to receive any word on our kitchen enlargement, which Seth also predicted would be settled by the Saturday after the 198th session.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Your dream was an excellent example, Joseph, of a clairvoyant one, in which definite new information was received. The information was specific, and you retained most of the identifying data.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The sensation of cold was a clue to the title of the story, but one you would not have recognized on a conscious level. There is no reason for you to worry about financial matters. You are hardly in any difficulties here, nor will there be any.
(Oddly enough, I remember waking up chilly in the morning last week, but do not know whether this followed the dream. I made no conscious connection with the dream in any case, and it seems to me I might have woken up chilly on more than one night last week also.)
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
(None of what I saw was very clear. I felt I stood on a long narrow porch or verandah with a railing. On either a double-story motel, or a motel of one story that was raised up higher than usual. I looked over and down at a pool, and felt that beyond this either the ocean or a large body of water was visible. Doors opened off the long narrow porch which extended full length, and I wondered whether Bill and Peggy Gallagher were staying here. I thought their room might have the door near the center of the porch. I had an impression of Peg sitting by the pool, with Bill in it.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
Arrive New York eleven, perhaps 11:05. (Jane shook her head.) There is something, a gate or a runway with the number 3, 5; 35, possibly the number on their luggage ticket. But one of these is a 35. (Pause.) The woman directly behind our friends’ seat may have a child with her. If so a female child, but there is no man in that seat. (Long pause.)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The interest was of a business rather than a social one, in connection with this man.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
A dress or coat of many buttons. A small boy several seats ahead. (Long pause, at least one minute.) I suggest your break.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
A direction that is mainly to the right, after one turn. (Pause.) A room on the fifth floor or higher, but not lower. They eat a meal here also. I pick up some connection with the word M—
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
The room does not seem to be well lighted, for this piece of furniture is in shadow. The table is a round one, with other straight-backed chairs nearby. Some also in shadow. (Pause.)
The backs of the chairs are of an open type that is not completely solid or filled in. Perhaps glass doors (long pause; at least one minute), but an expanse of glass.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
A dispersal. Two coins on the table. 1930. One of the coins is dated 1930.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
Ruburt will have some additional short-story sales in the near future, partly as a result of this story. At least one before the publication of the other story that has already been sold.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(In the 104th session, Seth said that Jane would sell some of the short stories from the group she was working on at the time of the session. The two sales, including the one just published, are from this group; in addition Jane missed out on other sales from the group because various publishers wrote her that although they liked her material, they already had similar ideas in inventory. Jane has now begun work on another group of short stories. Enough time lapses between her short-story work so that it is easy to keep the groups separate. See Volume 3.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]