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TES5 Session 201 October 25, 1965 23/76 (30%) story Freeze airplane chilly motel
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 201 October 25, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane has now settled all matters pertaining to her ESP book with her publisher. In the 198th session, Seth said she would receive a letter from her publisher by the next Saturday. Jane did receive a letter then from his secretary, but not a definitive one. It is thus interesting to note that she received the information she wanted by the next Saturday, however; October 22, Friday, to be exact. We have yet to receive any word on our kitchen enlargement, which Seth also predicted would be settled by the Saturday after the 198th session.

(There follows a copy of my dream of Thursday night, October 21, as taken from my dream notebook: “I dreamed briefly that the first of the two short stories Jane has sold has now been published—The Big Freeze, I believe—and that as a result Jane can now get paid for it.” I hoped Seth would comment on the dream.

(Saturday, October 23, Jane learned that her short story, The Big Freeze, was on the stands, in Dude Magazine. She had not been notified by the magazine that it would be. She is also to be paid on publication, rather than acceptance of the material. The magazine had appeared on the stands Friday, October 22.

(In the 200th session, Seth said Jane’s publisher, Frederick Fell, would be hurt by Jane’s demands for action, but would cover it with a cosmopolitan air. In his letter of October 22, the publisher certainly did write a cosmopolitan letter, in our opinion.

(The session was held in our back room and was free of interruptions. Jane spoke while sitting down and with her eyes closed. Her voice was quiet, her pace quite slow in the beginning.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(We think this passage helps explain some of the results Jane has been obtaining in her envelope tests.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:19. Jane was dissociated as usual for a first delivery. Her eyes had remained closed, and her voice quiet; her pace had picked up considerably as she spoke along.

(Jane knew which psy-time experience Seth referred to. I’d made the quick diagram following her directions. From her psy-time notebook:

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(It was now time for Jane to attempt to tune in on Bill and Peggy Gallagher for the last time while they were on vacation. We were not sure but thought they might be on the way home from Puerto Rico by now. Jane began speaking with her eyes closed. Her pace once again became quite slow, with many pauses; although she would give a paragraph of material rather quickly at times between pauses. Resume while sitting down at 9:29.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

An airplane. Directly behind our friends (pause), there is a female in blue. Directly across from our friends, there is a couple of middle-aged.... (Pause, at 9:30; Jane shook her head in vexation.)We will try to clear this up. The couple come from Daytona or Dayton. The man has a connection with the paper business, but not a newspaper. The production of paper itself.

(Both Jane and I have been to Daytona Beach, Florida, but neither of us has ever been to Dayton, Ohio.)

Arrive New York eleven, perhaps 11:05. (Jane shook her head.) There is something, a gate or a runway with the number 3, 5; 35, possibly the number on their luggage ticket. But one of these is a 35. (Pause.) The woman directly behind our friends’ seat may have a child with her. If so a female child, but there is no man in that seat. (Long pause.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:48. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed, her voice quiet. Many of her pauses toward the end of the delivery had been long.

(Jane said she had a very vague impression of what she took to be the interior of an airplane while she was speaking. She could not describe it in so many words, and had no idea if she was correct to begin with, since she has never been inside an airplane. She appeared to have no memory of pictures of airplane interiors.

(I was busy writing down the above paragraph when I realized Jane had fallen silent. To my surprise I saw that she was leaning back in her chair with her eyes closed once more. She resumed in a very quiet voice at 9:51.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:57. Jane was dissociated as usual. She said she “knew Seth was going to do that,” that he had some more to say.

(Jane said her attitude has changed quite a bit by now, in that she lets “anything through now, at least to a degree.” Otherwise we wouldn’t be learning anything about distortions, she said. Jane added that when Seth mentioned the right turn, or direction, she had a very definite inner sensation of turning to the right, after traveling in a straight line.

(Once again Jane’s pace was slow when she began speaking again. She sat with her eyes closed, her hands to her face. Her voice was quiet. Resume at 10:06, with the 11th Dr. Instream test.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:24. Jane reported that she had been very well dissociated during the delivery. She sat quite still while giving the material in a quiet voice, with her hands to her face the whole time, and used many pauses.

(Jane resumed in the same quiet manner, but at a little faster pace, at 10:32.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:41. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes remained closed, her voice quiet. She remembered most of what she had said.

(In the 104th session, Seth said that Jane would sell some of the short stories from the group she was working on at the time of the session. The two sales, including the one just published, are from this group; in addition Jane missed out on other sales from the group because various publishers wrote her that although they liked her material, they already had similar ideas in inventory. Jane has now begun work on another group of short stories. Enough time lapses between her short-story work so that it is easy to keep the groups separate. See Volume 3.

(Jane’s aunt, mentioned by Seth, lives in New York City. Jane has not seen her for some years, but keeps in touch via the aunt’s sister, Jane’s mother.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

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