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TES5 Session 200 October 20, 1965 37/113 (33%) olive Rico Puerto car cafeteria
– The Early Sessions: Book 5 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 200 October 20, 1965 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(At supper time this evening I voiced my opinion of the tactics of Jane’s publisher, Frederick Fell, in no uncertain terms, with the rather obvious implication that Seth could comment upon the situation should he care to.

(I planned no envelope test for this session, thinking that the test material on the Gallaghers in Puerto Rico, and on Dr. Instream, would be enough for one session. I was more interested at the moment in having Seth finish his analysis of Jane’s two dreams, which he began last session, and made it a point to say so just before the session tonight.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Remembering her success in clairvoyantly tuning in on Bill Gallagher as he made his business errands on the evening of October 8, Jane decided to try the same thing with John on Tuesday. The difference here was that John had no forewarning of Jane’s efforts, since she didn’t get the idea until after he left us Monday. See Session 196 in Volume 4 for the Gallagher material.

(At 8 PM Tuesday, Jane wrote down 13 impressions, all dealing with John Bradley’s supposed activities. She was ironing at the time, and pleasant music was on the radio. She wrote the impressions in an offhand manner, she said, without straining; she had no idea at the time as to whether any of them were correct. John arrived from Binghamton perhaps three quarters of an hour later. Going over the list with us in the course of the evening, he confirmed 10 of Jane’s impressions as correct. Some of them were quite striking.

(Jane keeps separate records of such experiments, and has this one written up in the same manner as the Gallagher experiment that is included in the 196th session.

(The session was held in our small back room. Jane began speaking while sitting down and with her eyes closed. Her voice was quiet to begin, her pace quite slow.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Jane smiled, her eyes still closed. Her pace had picked up and her voice had now grown somewhat stronger and deeper.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:20. Jane had been dissociated as usual for a first delivery. She kept the deeper voice and fast pace until break.

(Jane said she hadn’t consciously connected the voices in the first dream with the olive-skinned males in the second dream. She well remembered the young man who gracefully assisted her off the banister in the second dream. He had, Jane said, exceptionally beautiful and smooth olive skin. He was not very tall, but short, slim and well proportioned, with dark hair. Jane doesn’t recall this young man’s features specifically, nor for that matter the features of any of the other males. She remembers the fact that they were all smiling, and their smooth olive skins.

(It was now time for the second clairvoyant test with the Gallaghers in Puerto Rico. Jane began speaking while seated and with her eyes closed. Her voice was now quiet, and she used many brief pauses. Resume at 9:30.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Peggy’s sister had been married on the Saturday before Peggy and Bill left for Puerto Rico. The oddity here is that the sister and her new husband also went to Puerto Rico on their honeymoon; however they left for the island Saturday night, whereas Peggy and Bill left for Puerto Rico the next day, Sunday. As far as Jane and I know, the two couples had made no plans to meet down there, nor did they particularly want to.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane and I have not met the husband or sister. Jane now took a long pause at 9:41.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:46. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed, her voice average. As in the last session when dealing with the Gallaghers, she had no visual images to accompany her delivery.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now took a pause lasting for a minute, from 10:09 to 10:10.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(“No. I thought you might like to finish up on Jane’s dream material.”)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Break at 10:14. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed, her voice quiet. She had used many short pauses, other than those noted.

(While giving the data involving the car at the beginning of the test, Jane said she had a feeling of unsureness at to the location of the car. She didn’t know whether it was at Dr. Instream’s office or at his home. She also didn’t know whether the unsureness referred to Seth or herself.

(Jane resumed while seated and with her eyes closed, in a stronger voice and a more rapid pace, at 10:20.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane took a long pause at 10:27.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane had been smoking since break. She now opened her eyes briefly and put out her cigarette.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(This surprised me. Seth here referred to two rather brief but vivid and colorful dreams I had written down just before tonight’s session began. Jane came back to the studio just as I finished. I told her I was noting a couple of dreams down, but did not describe them to her since time was getting short.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“I didn’t tell Jane anything about those dreams.”)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane now took a rather long pause.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(At the same time Jane did something she has seldom done since she began speaking while sitting down. Her cigarettes lay on a bookcase out of her reach. Her eyes opened very slightly; she got up, reached the cigarettes, lit one and sat back down.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:40. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed for the most part. Her voice had been quiet, her pace slow.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Dream # 2; Tuesday night, October 19: In very bright and vivid color. Had to do with our Ford station wagon, which is blue. In a big old garage with Jane, I was ready to drive the car away, but then seemed to look up at it on a hoist. I saw that the radiator was pulled away from the rest of the motor, that hoses and other connections dangled, and that the oil and water had drained away. I realized the car hadn’t been used in a long time.

(Then I saw that the car sat on a steep grassy bank, beside a river I believe, and that another old jalopy had somehow been moved in front of our car so that we couldn’t move it. The bank was covered with brightly colored high grass and weeds. Jane and I tried to walk along a path toward the car. The path was worn down to the bare earth. We were barefoot, and now I saw that the path was littered with pieces of broken glass. I think I backed up, telling Jane something to the effect that we had already gone too far. Neither of us were cut or injured.

(At break I did not tell Jane anything about the contents of either dream. I thought that what Seth had said so far was related to the dreams in most cases, without being very specific, and was especially interested in his remarks about the intensity of color; this is true of the second dream especially. I also thought the material on my being close to achieving a goal good, in that I have had definite feelings along this line lately. Nor had I said anything to Jane about this; it is my habit to see how things work out instead of making predictions.

(I did mention to Jane at break that I was concentrating on a question. I then added another question, I told her, but said no more other than that. I wondered whether Seth could answer the two questions. The second question was merely whether Seth could tell us anything about the blue car featured in the second dream.

(Jane said she wished Seth had not taken a break, but had continued with the dream material. I did not know whether I had said too much myself or not. Jane resumed in the same quiet manner, with her eyes closed, at 10:44.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now took a long pause.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane raised a finger, her eyes still closed.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:53. Jane was dissociated as usual. Her eyes had remained closed, her voice quiet. She said Seth’s admonishment to me hadn’t bothered her. Neither of my mental questions had been answered.

(During break Jane again lay on the bed, or half reclined, while she smoked. She began to speak from this position. For part of the delivery at least her eyes were open. I found it a little hard to tell when they might be partially open since she left her glasses on, and reflections interfered. Her voice was quiet, her pace rather fast. Resume at 10:58.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane, after a pause, with her eyes wide open: “It’s me.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(End at 11:01. Jane was dissociated as usual. I believe her eyes were closed most of the time. Jane said she didn’t know, that during the session she wasn’t concerned one way or the other.

(Jane was very curious as to what new abilities lay in store for her, especially the one that Seth said she would shortly discover. We speculated that Seth’s method of interpreting my dreams in this session might have something to do with it.)

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