1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:185 AND stemmed:color)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Once again I planned an envelope test for the session, should the opportunity arise. I prepared the usual double envelope while Jane was working at the front of the apartment. For the test I used a color photograph of my brother Bill, his wife and two young children, taken in Webster, NY, in 1959. I found the photo accidentally in my files earlier in the day while looking for something else. I knew Jane hadn’t seen it for some time, perhaps years. Bill is 37 years old.
(The photo is of a winter scene, with brilliant contrasts of light and shadow. I have indicated the colors crudely in my tracing on page 242 . The group of four sit on the edge of a concrete patio at the back of Bill’s house. I did not mention a test to Jane, but she is well aware that they are in the offing now; earlier in the day she casually mentioned tests, without asking specifically whether I had one planned for tonight.
[... 52 paragraphs ...]
I have an impression of a road or a tree; that is, of such parallel lines. I have an impression of afternoon, an impression of three people, of dirt or dirt color, and shadows or shadow shapes, perhaps of pyramid form.
[... 24 paragraphs ...]