1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:183 AND stemmed:color)
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(This afternoon while painting I had a vision. With my inner eye I saw the face of an older man, facing to the left in full color. I made two pencil drawings of the image. It was quite clear, especially about the eyes, nose and mouth; and later I realized that I had been “seeing” it for at least a few moments, almost absent-mindedly, before I understood what was happening.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
(During the session Seth gave an accurate psychological account of Bill Gallagher’s mother, according to Bill. She is now dead, and Jane and I never met her. Bill has told us very little about her, other than that she was an arthritic cripple like Jane’s mother is. Three points in particular were quite authentic, according to Bill. Seth stated that his mother “was fascinated by numbers,” loved the color blue, and was inordinately fond of flowers. After the session Bill Gallagher told us his mother had been a bookkeeper, was buried wearing a blue dress—blue was her favorite color—and that she was indeed very fond of flowers.)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Because of the physical structure, experiences within your system have a slow-motion distortion which creates the appearance of time. Time as you know it, waking time, is intimately connected with the emotions and with emotional intensities. Now. There is also a connection here that can be explored most clearly by using color designations.
Red is the most present or immediate of colors. The cool colors are more contemplative, or more indicative of contemplation. They do not however have the same type of intensity. They leave room within psychic space for other emotional experiences also.
There are electrical connotations here also that are important, electrical components that compose the emotional experience, and that tend to show themselves in certain auras of color. Within the dreaming state however inner experience is not limited as it is in the waking condition, so that the time barrier can be largely dispensed with. There is an additional psychic space to be filled.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
They are felt according to their intensity only. You might say, returning to our analogy, that there is more color-mixing within the dream state, and the materials are immediately at hand. Distance is then seen in its true light, not in relation to physical space but in its basic relationship to emotional intensity. As you seem in the waking condition to travel out of an experience, or as you seem to separate yourself from it, then physical time enters into your awareness.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
The creative abilities have full reign within the dream state, and it is here that the personality first tests its creative intensities and methods. The personality’s physical environment therefore is greatly colored and formed by his dream existence. There is some leakage from waking-life experience to dream experience, but this leakage usually represents the material needed, or the problem to be solved. Mental events and dream events are primary. The individual first manipulates situations within the dream reality, and then transposes his characteristic method of handling them upon the physical reality.
[... 56 paragraphs ...]
(In making up the test, I had unwittingly focused my conscious attention on the calendar side of the paper. This was the first time I had used a test object containing material on both sides of the paper. The makeup of this particular calendar consisted of the days of the month on one side, and a drawing in color on the other.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]