1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:182 AND stemmed:subconsci)
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
(Seth told Bill he subconsciously blamed his father for his mother’s condition, after Bill remarked that whenever he and his father were together for a few minutes they would end up arguing. Also, when a small child Bill had overheard a sexual encounter between his parents, in which his mother cried out. Bill took it to mean his father had hurt his mother. Later when his mother fell ill, Bill made the subconscious connection with her illness and this earlier incident, and blamed his father for his mother’s illness.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(Seth told Bill that a summer Sunday in 1946 is very important to him subconsciously. It involved Bill’s father William [Jane hadn’t known the name of Bill’s father], and an older man with brown hair whom Bill looked upon as being in a position of authority. There was some kind of disagreement as to Bill’s choice of a career [Bill had left the Navy not long before], an argument with Bill’s father; ever after that Bill didn’t get along with his father. Bill did not follow his father’s suggestions, I believe.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(Right after the session began, Seth showed how Jane’s personal subconscious memories had, during the sitting with the Gallaghers, on August 20, distorted the material we received. What actually happened was that Jane’s maternal grandmother tried to get through, but Jane wanted to get Bill’s mother, and so named the entity speaking as a Gallagher. Seth mentioned that Jane’s own memories of the shredded-wheat incident should have told her what had happened. Also, Jane confused the corner grocery in her neighborhood with the grocery in Bill’s neighborhood, which was located in the middle of a block. Much, Seth said, Jane had picked up telepathically from Bill. Bill had looked up to the man running the grocery store in his neighborhood.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Bill’s mother exerted a “pull” on his father which the father subconsciously resented. Her illness was not the result of events in this life only, but of past lives also.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Bill and Peggy agreed that Seth’s material on his parents seems to fit them psychologically, although some of the information given concerning Bill’s subconscious feelings toward his father was a surprise to Bill. At one point Seth asked Bill to not say so much when he answered a question, because this led Ruburt to start to actively and consciously consider the material and to make his own interpretations, which could be distorted. Seth also asked Bill not to tell us any more about his family relationships; presumably so that more material Seth came through with in future sessions could be checked with Bill’s knowledge, as in the blue dress and the bookkeeping incidents.
(Possibly Peggy and Bill could dream about events of interest to them, that were discussed this evening, if they used suggestion. They could also use the pendulum, though they might need more subconscious practice. Seth repeated often that Peggy and Bill should read more of the material.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(Seth told Bill and Peggy, in connection with the subconscious construction of their individual worlds, that they really lived in many worlds at once. At the end of the session Seth told the Gallaghers he had deliberately given the information about Bill’s mother being a bookkeeper and liking the color blue, in order to show them that valid information had been produced, no matter what its source.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]