1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:177 AND stemmed:dream)
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I am particularly concerned however with carrying our discussion further concerning dream realities.
Our Ruburt did indeed steal from me a few paragraphs in his book, that were not rightfully his in one manner of speaking. In a brief communication one afternoon I explained to him the similarity between multiple personalities and the various aspects of the personality as it appeared in the dreaming and trance states.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
The primary ego is equally unaware of the other personalities, who very often are actually struggling for dominancy. Now. With this in mind, consider once more the various aspects of the self in the waking and the dream states. The conscious “I” is unaware of the “I” who dreams. Indeed, the dreaming “I” seems more familiar with the waking self upon many occasions. Here you have excellent examples that correspond to your dual or multiple personality thesis.
It should be obvious that there is nothing strange in the fact that the dreaming self and the waking self appear so unfamiliar to each other. The study of hypnotism will greatly enlarge man’s understanding of human personality in general. These separate states of consciousness, these multiple levels of awareness, these seemingly unrelated personality aspects, are not unnatural artificial productions, brought about through hypnosis. Hypnotism is merely a method that allows you to study the personality directly.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Now. These effects, these various seemingly separate selves that can be demonstrated through hypnosis, operate continually and quite normally in both the waking and the dream states. There is however a cooperation that exists between these seemingly separate aspects of the self. It goes without saying that some overall direction must be, and is, maintained.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
I cannot stress too strongly the fact that any investigation into the nature of the human personality must indeed follow the lines which have been here given. The nature of reality, uncamouflaged, can be glimpsed to some degree as you study the personality in the dream state, where awareness does not operate in an ego-directed manner.
Again, the nature of space and time is glimpsed more clearly as it appears to the sleeping self, for in the dream state reality is to a large measure uncamouflaged, and the personality appears in a freer state. It should also be borne in mind that all aspects of the personality are part of the whole self. As such there is an overall communication between the various aspects of the self, although the separate aspects of the self may not be aware of the communications.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
Our Jesuit with the ulcer—shall I say our ulcerated Jesuit—may derive some benefit by reading a few of our immediately previous sessions, in which we spoke of dream therapy.
In such a case it is not necessary that the conscious self recall the dreams which it requests. In many cases, in fact, it is to the ego’s advantage that it remain unaware of the actual dreams involved; for the ego is indeed touchy, rigid and querulous as an old arthritic gentleman, and cranky.
Dream therapy will be discussed in many of our sessions, and definite directions will be given, whereby the waking self can to a large extent insure the help of the physical organism. The various aspects of the self communicate with each other, when they do, in a very sly fashion, for no such communication is direct. They are like relatives who do not speak to each other, yet each one knows what goes on in the other’s household.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Therefore, in the dream state communication is possible between all portions of the self. The personality appears in its truest state if it seems, in dreams, that you are free of space and time. It is indeed because the basic self is free of space and time. If you appear to hear voices out of the past, if you seem to see into the future, it is because the dream state is a more or less faithful approximation of a basic reality in which your time and space simply do not exist.
We will be dealing rather extensively with a study of space and distance and time as they appear within the dream state, and with the freedoms that are possible for the personality within it. All of this information can be used most beneficially. It will enable the ego itself to expand its consciousness and its knowledge.
I will give you directions which will allow you to study the appearance of space and time within your dreams. You will be one self dreaming, while another spying self takes notes. I will now give you both a break from taking your notes, and we will then continue.
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(We discussed with the Gallaghers the material given on dream therapy in sessions 172-74. Bill Gallagher also wondered about using suggestion even in working out problems connected with a hobby. His hobby is rope work, and at times the designs he uses are quite complicated.
[... 55 paragraphs ...]