1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:176 AND stemmed:share)
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
Their ways were different in many respects, but they were kind to each other always. They shared a love of nature. They both hoarded the things they loved. To some extent they hoarded each other. They both dug in like squirrels, and hid.
To some extent she resembled her mother. Her vanity, however, was not a characteristic woman’s vanity. Her vanity was perhaps the one characteristic that she shared with other members of the family. She felt she was set apart, but also that she was set apart because she could not tolerate violence. Violence frightened her deeply.
She would not admit the fear, but would change the fear to pride, saying to herself that the world was evil, and she would therefore have little to do with it. And so she did not. She was not a foolish woman. She loved her husband most deeply. She and he shared a quite mystical love of nature and of animals. They would harm no one.
[... 46 paragraphs ...]
We will not go deeply into the sensations this evening, mainly because I am thinking of you, and do not wish to take up more than my share of your time.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]