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TES4 Session 166 June 30, 1965 4/94 (4%) Philip reorganization John company deluded
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 166 June 30, 1965 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 71 paragraphs ...]

However I will add a few notes. Philip is now being seriously watched and considered for another position. His immediate superior is basically not his friend, although personally they may get along well. It is others in higher positions who are watching him.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(John agreed with Seth’s statement, concerning his immediate superior not being, basically, his friend. He had not told Jane and I this, although we had met the individual in question once, briefly, here in Elmira at an art show. John had no idea of a short man of whom he should beware.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

There is an individual within the political organization who, all unwittingly, gives information to Philip’s superiors through a family in-law relationship. If Philip for any reason allows his enthusiasm for this political group to wane, this will reduce his chances for advancement within the company, for it will be taken as a mark of fleeting interests.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(John agreed with Seth. He said that as far back as last January his suspicions had become aroused, when one of his superiors had mentioned John’s involvement with a political organization. John had not told anyone in the company about his activities in politics at that time. From what Seth said in the above delivery, John now believes he knows who the individual is who might be passing along information about him.)

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