1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:158 AND stemmed:our)
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Our regularly scheduled session for last Wednesday, May 26, was not held because Jane had developed a heavy cold. The pendulum told her this came about because of her concern over the contract and money matters involving her ESP book. Since then Jane has received her signed contract from the publisher, with money due, and now feels better.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(After this our conversation turned to what Seth might say about the origins of Bill Gallagher’s ulcer. The ulcer had bothered him all day while Peg and he attended a family gathering. Jane announced that she felt the rapport in our group was favorable, that Seth could hold a session now if we requested it. Not long after this she asked me to get my notebook. The session then began with Jane sitting in the same chair, facing us.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
I give you all here this evening my most sincere regards, and I give greetings like a most enthusiastic host to our visitors.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
May I here add for our friend Ruburt’s satisfaction that the performance of which he was so skeptical, was indeed, despite all his protests, quite legitimate. Now he can stew over that.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
I will here suggest a brief break, always being considerate of our Ruburt’s condition, and if you prefer I will continue for a short time.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
I must here express my gratitude indeed that Ruburt deign to allow this unscheduled session, particularly since we missed our own last scheduled one. But I shall not badger him, as I believe indeed he badgers himself enough. I will now take my leave and give you a short break.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
I want here, Joseph, to make one note for our own benefit, that should be included with our material on the nature of action, if indeed our two visitors will for a moment forgive me. Are you ready?
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
An aside here: the incident involving the woman had mainly to do—I suggest here, my esteemed Joseph, that perhaps you watch Ruburt’s features. And I would also like to mention the fact that indeed the woman in our gathering, Aniac, does indeed have abilities that are not being used, and possibilities for energy focus which she would do well to explore.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Jane, smiling, leaned forward in her chair, eyes still closed, to question me solicitously. Actually, I was just about managing to keep up with her speed of dictation, but disliked interrupting to ask her to slow down since Seth was obviously in a rare mood—as witness his hopping, almost excitedly, from one topic to another. This manner was far different than our usual quiet, almost sedate sessions. Certainly Seth, or Jane, felt a keen enjoyment.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
We have had well over a hundred sessions to date, and I have here been once more subjected to the multitudinous and weighty doubts of our stubborn-headed Ruburt.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
—of a gullible, pseudomystical type of temperament. Nevertheless I cannot help but grow annoyed when I am literally besieged with the protests meant to insist upon his sanity, the point being that if he is sane, then I must be some nefarious seven-eyed monster. He does indeed give acquiescence for these sessions, and I am indeed fond of you both. I have been aware that you do not care, particularly, for the opinion of your fellow men. But our Ruburt, who has never cared for the opinion of his fellow men, now rises up in great worry. What is he afraid of?
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Tonight’s session, Joseph, is a rather important one, and the woman who is attending our session is also quite important, in that her abilities are helping me to come through with, I might say, crystal clarity.
[... 23 paragraphs ...]
I am most pleased to meet with you both, and I have no doubt that we shall indeed have other communications in these sessions. There is, Joseph, an importance here that you have not seen, but perhaps at our next session I will make it clear.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(This time I sat at our living room table in my old accustomed place. Jane began to speak from the rocker but had uttered only a few words when she got up and took a chair at the table with me. I saw that her eyes were now open, and very dark and luminous. She was staring right at me. It will be remembered that in the 157th session Jane had mentioned that she felt Seth might try to have her speak with her eyes open soon, and while in a deep trance. In that session also, Jane had felt very restless, perhaps presaging such a change.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
There is much concerning the laws of energy which I have not yet explained to you, and so it is inevitable that our sessions are dependent upon his abilities to utilize energy. He has indeed done very well. But for a while yet we are still dependent upon his utilization of energy.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
He has realized for a while that it would be possible for me now to speak while we—that is, he and I so cooperated that his eyes were open, and yet his trance was deep, much deeper than in our early sessions, where the exterior circumstances might appear the same.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
There is what amounts at times to a wall that separates us, as far as emotion is concerned, and this is our Ruburt’s doing, though of course he does not do it deliberately. Again, the strength and indeed the stubbornness of his ego, made the sessions possible, for without it in the beginning there would have been difficulty in maintaining necessary stability.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
I do not as a rule advocate stretching our schedule in any degree. However this evening, when we find Ruburt’s abilities at a high level, it behooves us to take advantage of them.
You need not feel that you must rush, Joseph, for Ruburt, in taking our notes. There is an intimacy in tonight’s communications that has been rather unfortunately lacking. This in time will be remedied.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
I have been with you this evening in a manner which has not been possible lately. We have been involved in variations of the trance state, while at the same time anxious to continue our material, so that the two ventures have been tied into one. It has taken me a while indeed before we could reach this point of more intimate communication.
And your ideas this evening have been most legitimate. We need still now and then a touch of spontaneity in our sessions, now that the routine is assured, and I hope that we will achieve it.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
(I was already wincing, thinking of our neighbors on the floor above us, and below too. Earlier in the evening we hadn’t minded voice displays, but now I immediately became conscious of the power of Jane’s voice. I began to feel embarrassed.)
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
(The strange thing here was that by now even I realized that Seth could do just what he said he could, that he still had not hit the top of his, or Jane’s, ability to produce a really stunning effect. I have no real way of measuring the magnitude of what I was hearing, beyond stating that it enveloped me completely. I not only felt that everyone in the apartment house could hear the voice, but that it was audible on the street. I am still surprised that no one banged on our door and asked for quiet.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
May I then return to our more conventional whisper?
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
There is an emotional action, Joseph, in this session that is important; for our sessions deal with many layers, and I regret that this one layer is at most times neglected. I am endeavoring to give this evening’s session an emotional gestalt that will be an experience in itself, and in itself a lesson.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Ruburt presently feels no discomfort. He may be slightly tired tomorrow, but that is all. The emotional rapport built up between us will reinforce our sessions in general, and you know how important this can be. I must still work within the realm of his energies, and I do not even now believe that you realize how much more effectively he is using those energies, nor what strains our sessions have put upon his ego, which he has managed to triumph over.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
We will now close, or begin to close our session.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
Therefore, though I sincerely regret, and with deep sympathy for your desires, I will here close our session—but only because I so sympathize with the lamentable weakness of your fingers. I have not been able to come through personally so well in quite a while; and if our situations were reversed I would not shut you off.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
I will therefore leave it to you as to when our session will conclude. I have Ruburt, for once, cooperating to a laudable degree; and there is much, seriously, that I can say along these lines. In any case I will not be responsible for five fingers lying weakly on the table, broken and disjointed because I have so misused them. If I were you—
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
It is this impossibility of speaking in normal tones, in normal conversation with you, and indeed with Ruburt, that does annoy me at times. If you knew of our histories in detail, it would not surprise you, and there would be much more that you would understand.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
(I thought of recording this evening’s session earlier, as stated, but did not do so in the interests of spontaneity, a quality to which Seth attaches great value. To be ready to record an unscheduled session we would have to have the recorder set up and ready to go at a flick of a switch, constantly. To date our unscheduled sessions haven’t been that frequent by far, and there are actually few unusual effects to be noted.)
[... 15 paragraphs ...]