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TES4 Session 158 May 30, 1965 50/208 (24%) Trainor voice features badger indeed
– The Early Sessions: Book 4 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 158 May 30, 1965 11:06 PM Sunday Unscheduled

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


[...] I had not observed any change in Jane’s features, the few times I had managed to take a look. Bill however remarked that he thought he had detected a change; he thought Jane’s lower jaw line had become more rounded, losing a little of its angularity. As it happened Bill could see Jane full-face from his position on the couch. I sat beside him and saw more of the left side of Jane’s face, and Peggy from her position was looking at the right side of Jane’s face. [...]


[...] Jane’s eyes were open, but much darker and more luminous than usual. [...] At the end of the reading Jane closed her eyes; when she opened them again she was out of the trance. [...] Bill Gallagher felt that while she was reading Jane spoke with a brogue. [...]


(We have always thought of the 33rd session as furnishing the most dramatic display of voice changes on Jane’s part, both in volume and a lower register. I would say that tonight’s session saw Jane surpass those voice effects as far as sheer power and staying ability went by some little margin; but I do not think her voice dropped as low. Nevertheless it was very vibrant and strong, and Jane now told us she felt no aftereffects, her cold notwithstanding. [...]


[...] Jane began to speak from the rocker but had uttered only a few words when she got up and took a chair at the table with me. [...] It will be remembered that in the 157th session Jane had mentioned that she felt Seth might try to have her speak with her eyes open soon, and while in a deep trance. In that session also, Jane had felt very restless, perhaps presaging such a change.


(Our regularly scheduled session for last Wednesday, May 26, was not held because Jane had developed a heavy cold. [...] Since then Jane has received her signed contract from the publisher, with money due, and now feels better.


[...] Peg is a reporter for the Elmira Star-Gazette, and will do the news story about the sale of Jane’s ESP book. After the conversation had turned to matters psychic, Jane played the tape recording of the Father Trainor episode of last February 11. [...]


(Jane said later that listening to the tape did not “bother” her very much, although she felt some emotional and psychic reaction. [...] Afterward Jane endeavored to answer a question of Bill’s by reading a few lines from the poem aloud. [...]


[...] Jane announced that she felt the rapport in our group was favorable, that Seth could hold a session now if we requested it. [...] The session then began with Jane sitting in the same chair, facing us.


(Jane, smiling, leaned forward in her chair, eyes still closed, to question me solicitously. [...] Certainly Seth, or Jane, felt a keen enjoyment.


(During break the conversation turned to Jane’s feelings toward Seth, her ESP book, and related matters. [...] Jane made some statements about her reputation resting upon the validity of the material, etc.

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