1 result for (book:tes4 AND session:152 AND stemmed:energi)
[... 41 paragraphs ...]
Translations, and faithful ones, of my communications are constantly made by a certain portion of his inner self. Nor is your capacity here a passive one. Your psychic energies help him make these translations. At times you join together to enlarge your psychic environment, allowing me to come within its limits.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
Since it is itself action, such an attempt is basically doomed to failure. Yet the very attempt causes the formation of the ego. Once this apparent separate ego is formed, and once a fair amount of stability is maintained, and a new identity arrived at, the initial desire and energy will maintain the ego in its position during its existence in any field. Since this existence of separate identity is assured, attempts should then be made so that the ego can better participate in its realization of action, and the emotional life is very important in this respect.
In any fairly normal personality the intellect will indeed stand guard. There is no need to fear identity’s complete immersion into emotional sensation. Such emotional experience actually strengthens not only the ego, but it opens communications between the ego and the subconscious, and allows for a much greater flow of energy from the primary source of action.
This energy, incidentally, can be most effectively used for creative work. I could have given you much of this material earlier, but I wanted you to understand the basic reasoning behind the material, and for this a knowledge of the nature of action was necessary.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]