1 result for (book:tes4 AND heading:"friday octob 15 1965 two dream by jane butt" AND stemmed:our)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
(I am in our living room. It seems very dark, with two rather than three windows, and the middle one is blocked partially. I look again and now it is bigger and brighter than it ever was; the third window is back, but now it is moved out further, extending the room several feet. [Actually this must have to do with our hopes of having our kitchen enlarged.]
(Then at this end of the room I discover heavy dark wooden doors. Opening them, I find a lovely table-and-chair set of simulated wood, and I tell Rob that we can use them in our new kitchen.
(A noise catches my attention. Investigating I see that new people are moving into a back apartment in our apartment house. [There is no such apartment.] I remember that I had forgotten the existence of this apartment and am angry with myself. The apartment is very large, about 10 rooms, lovely dark woodwork. I am doubly angry at myself when I discover a lovely kitchen and bath between this apartment and our own, since we could have used these rooms ourselves, paying extra rent for them.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(The men in the family are dark-complected, handsome men, olive skin. We all get along well and like each other very much. We stand laughing by the staircase. I’m curious about some other apartments, also in this building, and owned by our landlord also. I am happy and anticipatory, looking forward to seeing these apartments. Then on the staircase, in a pile of neatly-stacked clothing I discover a lovely dark green jacket with fur collar and zipper that is mine, and I remember now that I put it away last year for the season and forgot it until now. Another article of clothing catches my eye. I think it is mine for a moment and realize it is not.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Outside there is still another apartment house that belongs to our landlord. A door is open. I look inside, see furniture, and know it is not vacant. Now it is raining slightly. I drop my cigarettes, pick them up, then discover that I also have an extra pack I did not know about. One pack is wet, but will dry. The other pack is only slightly wet.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]